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"I don't care... I don't feel the pressure." 100 Thieves Boostio VCT Americas Pre-Season Exclusive Interview

"I don't care... I don't feel the pressure." 100 Thieves Boostio VCT Americas Pre-Season Exclusive Interview

6 Feb
Kaustavmani Choudhury

Prior to the VCT Americas Kickoff tournament, Riot Games organized a pre-season media day, inviting some of the most noteworthy names in the industry. Strafe Esports received the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with new 100 Thieves IGL Kelden "Boostio" Pupello.

Fresh out of Evil Geniuses

Less than a month ago, 100 Thieves signed Kelden "Boostio" Pupello from Evil Geniuses. After pulling off a phenomenal underdog run in the previous year's VALORANT Champions and clinching the trophy, the members of EG were essentially stuck in "contract hell." 100 Thieves picked up Boostio to be their new IGL after most of the team had disbanded.

"Because I've heard the work condition of those Counter-Strike players, and that s**t sucks."

[Interviewer] Happy 2024! How are you and your team feeling heading into this new season? What are your expectations for this season?

[Boostio] Yeah, heading in, I think we've got a lot of good practice, and I think we can really make a run at this tournament. You only need to win three series, and I think it'll be pretty easy. Our group is technically the group of death or whatever, but I'm not too scared. And I think we really can make a deep run in this tournament.

[Interviewer] What are your thoughts on this new schedule that has been introduced in this season? What are your thoughts on this new schedule and the new format?

[Boostio] I think it's fine. I don't really have any gripes or hates about it, but I kind of wish, I mean, all the pros say this, I'm more on the side of I don't really care, but I wish there was more games, but at the same time, I don't really care. It does suck.

It's weird that we have like five games, and then Madrid, five games, and Shanghai, and then another five games or something like that. So, it's definitely, I don't know, I wish it was like 10 games, play every team, then you go to the playoffs, you get seeded from those 10 games for Madrid, you do your playoffs, and then another 10 games, but you know, it's not the case. It's five and then five.

So, it's a little weird. Just wish there was more games, but overall, I don't really care. I don't really have a big opinion on it.

[Interviewer] You talk about the number of games, but on the other side in Counter-Strike, some complain that the number of games is very high. So where do you think the balance lies in between that?

[Boostio] Yeah, I think the balance is just there definitely should be more games, but we shouldn't turn like Counter-Strike. There should not be a million games.

"Because I've heard the work condition of those Counter-Strike players, and that s**t sucks."

They are playing like 320 days out of the year or something. It's like, I would never want to do that. Me personally, my mental would be destroyed. I would burn out super quickly.

So, I'm glad I get a break at the end of the season, but I definitely wish just during the season, even if you have to add like an extra month, there was more games. I think we can just add more games. I know the reasons they don't want to add more games, it costs a lot of money. I think it's just a lot of money to run these very long matches and series.

So, I definitely get it. I definitely get where they're coming from, but I just wish they could find a way to do 10 games.

[Interviewer] You recently transferred to 100 Thieves this season. Do you have anything special planned heading into this new season?

[Boostio] I definitely just hope we make internationals. That's the main goal, make Champs, make a Masters. But I just hope overall that we just try our hardest, to be honest, try our hardest and just leave no regrets. Just know that you tried your hardest and then you tried to win.

But I really want to win. Because going from, ‘you're losing and you keep losing’, it's like whatever, because you're used to it. "I don't even want to know what it's like to go from winning everything to not even being able to compete in everything."

You can't compete at the internationals if you don't play well in the regular season. So that would suck.

New Team, New Aspiration, New Challenges

Being the only new player to join 100 Thieves, and joining as an IGL at that, there are quite a few challenges ahead for Boostio. Integrating into the new squad and getting to know each of the players individually seems to be the top priority at the moment. But he does seem to be enjoying himself. And with at least one familiar face on the coaching staff, they seem to be cooking something up for this season.

"I am enjoying myself. This is the funnest I've had in esports in a long time."

[Interviewer] You've been signed to 100 Thieves as the new IGL. When coming into this new roster, what are some of the challenges that you have had to face while transitioning from EG to 100 Thieves?

[Boostio] I think the biggest challenge is just learning new people. Each person is completely different as humans. We're very different.

They have to learn how I act because I am a very, I wouldn't say weird, but I'm definitely not like a normal person. And then I have to figure out how they act as the new guy. So, learning what I can say to them and what I can't, what will get them angry or upset or tilted. I've been having to learn that boundary. But like I said, overall, the team vibes are amazing.

"I am enjoying myself. This is the funnest I've had in esports in a long time."

But definitely learning the boundaries and making sure all my players are in a good mood and I don't tilt them mid-scrim from something I'm saying. If I need to correct something, or I think what they do is wrong, I need to say it in a certain way to each individual, the way they like it. And that's definitely been a challenge for me because I'll say whatever I want.

So, I've had to actively think how I speak to people, which I think in the long run is very good for me as a person, individually, just in life, just learning that skill. So, it's been good overall.

[Interviewer] Ziks is currently the head coach for 100 Thieves. And you've worked with Ziks on EG before. So do you think him being on the team gives you some sort of an advantage because maybe there could be some familiar strategies back from your EG days or some familiar plays. Or have you started completely from the ground up, completely fresh?

[Boostio] We definitely, of course, have taken stuff from the championship winning team. We both were a part of it. So, we both try to bring what we did from EG, and what all of us did on EG to 100 Thieves, of course, because we were very good.

So of course, we're going to copy some of that, but at the same time, we're adding a bunch of new stuff. And I think Tony in the head coach role, it really fits him. He knows exactly what he wants and it's nice seeing him being able to fulfil that role.

So, it's been really nice being able to come over with him. And he's one of my best friends. I love Tony.

I met him last year and I just fell in love with him. He's one of my good friends. And I'm just glad we're working together again for another year and just hope we can just go to an international, bring a trophy home for 100T.

[Interviewer] Given that you led EG to a phenomenal underdog run to win Champions, do you feel you have the same amount of pressure this time around? Or do you feel like you have some breathing room?

[Boostio] No. I don't, really. Even last year during our Masters run or Champs run, we always used to say back then, I don't know if you remember, I'm sure some people remember, we always said we just didn't care. We don't care that we're making it this far. We don't care.

And saying it can be bad, but thinking it is low-key pretty good for a pro esports player. Because we have a lot of worries to already worry about, as just an esports player. So having the mindset of just not really caring and just playing your best, trying your hardest and just trying to win.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you try your hardest. I have not felt any added pressure. I want to come to 100T, play as best as I can for my teammates and try to make internationals, but there's not extra stress.

"I don't care in terms of stress. I don't feel the pressure."

Going in-depth on the State of the Game

An IGL's insights into these changes really offer a different perspective on things. Especially with quite a few changes being introduced just before the start of the season. Having to adapt himself and his team around these changes, Boostio shares some of his thoughts with us.

Yeah, I think the meta is very weird right now. I like it. The meta is, you can play whatever you want pretty much.

[Interviewer] What are your thoughts on the current map pool that exists right now in the game?

[Boostio] I think the current map pool is cool. Breeze got added, Icebox got added back, Haven out. So, a lot of interesting changes.

I just wish Fracture didn't get removed because I loved calling on Fracture as EG's best map. I really miss Fracture, so I hope during the year maybe one of the other maps gets taken out. But I think for my team, 100T this year, I think Breeze coming in and Icebox coming in is really good for us.

And I think just overall the map pool fits our team very well, which is nice. Maybe just get rid of, I don't know, any map and just add Fracture back because I like Fracture.

[Interviewer] Icebox and Pearl have seen a few changes recently. What are your thoughts on these changes in the maps?

[Boostio] The Icebox change doesn't really change a crazy amount. I think mid's a little different, but overall, it's the same feeling type of map as it was a year or two ago. So, the changes aren't anything crazy, but it's still fun.

So, I'm ready, and I like Icebox, so it'll be good.

[Interviewer] Cypher got a buff, and then Killjoy and Skye got nerfed quite recently. What are your thoughts on these agent changes? Do you think this will affect your team comps quite a lot, or do you think they're not important enough to affect things too much?

[Boostio] Yeah, I think the meta is very weird right now. I like it. The meta is, you can play whatever you want pretty much.

So, I think the meta is like the best spots it's been because you can still play KJ, you can still play Skye, you can play any agent in the game pretty much. I think overall the meta is very good right now.

[Interviewer] Can you explain a bit more on that? Do you think the meta will change significantly from what you guys were doing last year? Or do you think the changes will be small and nominal?

[Boostio] I think, yeah, the changes are big. But like I said, the meta is in a good spot. So, you could play all the comps that were played last year, and it'd work, to be honest.

"You can add new stuff. You can add a Yoru, you can add f*****g anything. Neon, Iso, Gecko, Fade. You could literally add any agent right now."

And I think you could do that last year. Not many people did it last year, but you could have. And I think nerfing Skye a little bit definitely made more options. But you could still play Skye. Skye is still very good. So, I think just right now, just the meta, you could play literally anything.

Finally, before parting, we asked Boostio on how he feels his new team is adapting to his style of calling and strategizing.

[Interviewer] Being put into this team as an IGL, how do you think the team is reacting to your style of calling and your style of strategies? How do you think they're adapting? And how do you think they can be better or make you better?

[Boostio] Yeah, I think overall, they've all been listening very well. They all are very open-minded; they want to know my ideas. They want to listen.  So, it's been overall very good.

"And then I think just some of them could speak up a little more to me."

I'm not stubborn, but I like the way... I want to give my opinion. And sometimes they don't argue back their opinion, which it's good to have multiple opinions.

So, I think just the biggest gripe could be just argue back more, a little more, tell me why you liked a play that I didn't like or why it's good, and then we can just go from there.

[Interviewer] Thank you for your time. All the best for the new season.

For more information on the VCT Americas Kickoff, check out Strafe Esports' piece on the Format, Schedule, Teams and more. If one of the other Kickoffs catches your fancy, we also have previews for EMEAPacific, and China. As an additional bonus, you can catch the VOD for the interview on our new YouTube channel. Also, check out our tier list for the 33 partnered teams (VCT China notwithstanding) heading into 2024's season.

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