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A Hunger That Only Grows: Caster ‘Atlus’ speaks on the career of ‘Deft’, reflects on the history of the LCK

A Hunger That Only Grows: Caster ‘Atlus’ speaks on the career of ‘Deft’, reflects on the history of the LCK

League of Legends
1 Nov
Foo Zen-Wen

In a recent interview, renowned personality and caster Max “Atlus” Anderson, sat down to share insights into some of the LCK’s most riveting stories. Among those insights shared, was his personal observations regarding the state of the LCK, the development of Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu’s career, and the intricate balance between the two.

State of the LCK

As a closely connected individual to the LCK, “Atlus” spoke on the current sentiment in and surrounding the LCK.

“We’ve had to adjust our perspective on success and losses. Especially post-2018, the LCK hasn’t been viewed with the same air of invincibility. Korea had consistently worn the crown, but with regions like the LPL emerging dominant in recent years, the surety of LCK’s reign has been tested.”

His observation regarding the shifting state of the LCK under the global spotlight carries the weight of a caster and commentator of almost a decade. Having begun casting in the LCK from as early as 2018, “Atlus” has a deep familiarity with iconic players such as “Deft”.

Unmatched Passions 

He expressed his admiration for the motivations of such icons as “Deft” and “Faker”, stating that ‘despite achieving unparalleled success, seemed to possess an undying passion for the game.’ Moreover, he noted how despite competing in one of the most competitive regions and leagues, coming on nearly a decade of rigorous competition, their passion only seemed to grow stronger over the years.

Despite winning Worlds last year, “Deft” has struggled to replicate a similar level of success with his new team, Dplus KIA.

“Deft seemed at odds with Dplus this year. While he maintained his hunger, the team faced confidence and shot-calling issues. Dplus struggled to mesh. In interviews, Deft’s motivation appeared to have increased, even discussing returning after military service, a contrast to his earlier hints at retirement. It seems the realization of his potential in League of Legends rejuvenated his desire for the LCK.”

At Worlds 2022, coming on a decade of play without a Worlds trophy, “Deft” had spoken at length about his thoughts on retiring. He submitted that winning would be the perfect cap to his career and a chance to retire on a high. Despite that, after lifting the Worlds trophy in the Grand Finals, “Deft” experienced a change of heart. The sentiment shifted from ‘The Last Dance’ to ‘A New Beginning.’

Unclear Path to the Future

Despite his returning passion for competing, “Atlus” noted that military service was still impending for “Deft”. 

“If Deft could play League of Legends forever, he would. But in Korea, there’s mandatory military service he must attend to. He’s going to have to do that at some point, but I would also not be surprised if he just comes back. Some players, like Starcraft’s Flash, returned from the military and continued to excel. Others, like Score and GorillA, transitioned to coaching roles after their service.’

What “Atlus” notes is that while “Deft” may have successfully reignited his passion for competing, he may not want or possess the ability to continue after completing service. However, regardless of the outcome, there is more than one path to take once he returns.

Icons, Legacies, New Generation

Of all the leagues, the LCK is perhaps one of the most steeped in tradition and history. Within this league, there are past generations of players who have taken on the mantle of coaches, analysts, general managers and more, guiding and molding the new generation of South Korean talent.

“The game has evolved over the years, and while many associate its history with icons like Faker, Deft too began his journey early on, leaving an indelible mark with teams like Samsung Blue and MVP. Their legacies, undeniably, will continue to inspire.”

However, as the game continues to grow, these older icons begin to fade backwards, as is natural. “Atlus” reflected on this, noting that it was not necessarily a negative. Their impact has already been made. Instead, it was about building on what was already set.

“It’s interesting. Though Deft has been consistent, new names like Chovy, Lehends, Viper, and Tarzan have emerged. Deft’s continued presence isn’t a negative. Recalling moments, like his 2015 Pentakill on Sivir that Pastytime commentated, is special. But new stories are also forming. As years progress, I’m more inspired to commentate.”


Long-time caster “Atlus” reflects on the cultural impact an icon such as “Deft” has had on the game and in the LCK. While his year in 2023 may not have gone as favorably as one would have liked, the hunger to compete is not only still there, but growing larger and larger. Moreover, he notes the imposed time limitations “Deft” has left, but is assured by the rise of a new generation, inspired by the former.

Credit: Lance Skundrich/Riot Games)

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No Second Dance: Deft, Last of the DRX Dream Team, eliminated from Worlds 2023


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