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Patch 7.34b Safelaners: The Overrated and The Underrated

Patch 7.34b Safelaners: The Overrated and The Underrated

Dota 2
25 Aug
Harrison Htet

It’s been over a week since the Patch 7.34b was officially released. It addressed some overpowered heroes of Patch 7.34. The new patch also addressed some of its overpowered heroes. Moreover, in patch 7.34b, some long-lost cores received buffs to make them considerable picks again. Furthermore, the buffs that certain safelaners received gave them a boost in their pick rate and win rate.

The Overrated Safelaner 

Phantom Assassin is one of the renowned heroes in Dota 2. PA is a pub stomper in low-level ranks. However, the hero was never a considerable pick in high-level pubs because it is squishy, and its RNG can is easily counter-able.

In Patch 7.34b, the hero’s ultimate, which relies heavily on RNG, received a rework. It became easier for the hero to deal instant-massive damage to burst the enemy heroes. This single buff caused the hero to be viable in high-level ranks. However, the hero’s item build remains nearly the same. Due to the itemisation of PA, the hero can still be countered.

The Counters 

Her ultimate rework may favour her, but it is countered by a 4375 gold item, Nullifier. PA’s evasion is nullified by purchasing a Monkey King Bar for heavy hitters. For players who like hybrid builds, Revenanat’s Brooch offers a true strike to deal with evasion. Assault Cuirass can also neglect the instant burst damage of PA. Nevertheless, the hero’s win rate has surged tremendously since Patch 7.34. PA has a 24.79% pick rate and a win rate of 49.45% in high-level pubs.

The Underrated Safelaner

For the longest time, players have forgotten the existence of Gyrocopter. Unlike Phantom Assassin, the hero had once a place in the meta, but since the nerfs, they have not seen the light of the day since. That said, Gyrocopter received some buffs in the recent patch. His Rocket Barrage received slow resistance for the duration, and Flak Cannon now gives bonus night vision. Moreover, the Aghanim Scepter upgrade now offers two active Flak Cannon targets.

The upgrades, when paired with the traditional itemisation of Gyrocopter, give the hero an early power spike, which always comes in handy. The hero has a solid attack speed and damage during the laning stage. When these qualities combine with Flak, he can farm efficiently after the end of the laning stage.

The Itemisation 

Players buy Wraith Band during the laning stage, followed by Power Treads and Falcon Blade. After that, players will pick up Mask Of Madness and Aghanim Scepter. After Aghs, players rush to buy a Divine Raiper before taking Roshan and securing the Aegis.

The player can siege the high ground with Aegis, eventually taking the match. This itemisation, however, requires a lot of team synergy and understanding of the game. Thus, Gyrocopter is contested hardly as a core in low-rank pubs. Nevertheless, the hero rocks a 52.88% win rate and a 22.71% pick rate in high-level pubs.

Featured Image Source: Reddit

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