All VALORANT Agents Released to Date
It has been more than 4 years since VALORANT first went live. Millions of players, and billions of hours logged into one of the most popular FPS titles in the world, the game only continues to grow in popularity. At release, VALORANT had 10 agents.
Since then, the roster has swelled to an incredible 25, split across 4 different roles. Any new player would understandly find themselves overwhelmed, much less spoiled for choice in terms of agent variety. To simplify things, we've constructed a quick guide, running through all 25 agents, as well as a brief rundown of each of their abilities.
Writer Note: Article Updated as of 30th November, 2024
All VALORANT Agents released to date
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Controller
- Ability 1 - Stim Beacon
- Fixed Support AOE (Area of Effect) that increases equip speed, fire rate, reload speed, recovery speed, and move speed.
- Ability 2 - Incendiary
- Throwable molly.
- Ability 3 - Sky Smoke
- Orb Smokes for blocking LOS (Line of Sight).
- Ultimate - Orbital Strike
- Giant laser from sky. Damage over time.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Controller
- Passive - Decay / Fuel
- Decay is applied on Ability 2, 3 and Ultimate, reducing HP by a set amount initially and then gradually increasing. Fuel is a regenerating resource to activate Ability 2 and 3.
- Ability 1 - Snake Bite
- Throwable molly.
- Ability 2 - Poison Cloud
- Fixed Orb Smoke for blocking LOS and applying decay.
- Ability 3 - Toxic Screen
- Fixed Wall Smoke for blocking LOS and applying decay.
- Ultimate - Viper’s Pit
- Fixed Giant Smoke for blocking LOS and applying decay.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Controller
- Ability 1 - Shrouded Step
- Teleport a fixed distance away.
- Ability 2 - Paranoia
- Throwable Near-Sight.
- Ability 3 - Dark Cover
- Orb Smoke for blocking LOS.
- Ultimate - From the Shadows
- Global teleport.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Sentinel
- Ability 1 - Trapwire
- Place a tripwire that activates when the enemy passes through, slowing and revealing them for the duration of charge. Recharges after a short delay.
- Ability 2 -Cyber Cage
- Cone smoke for blocking LOS. Can be placed and activated at a later time.
- Ability 3 - Spycam
- Placeable camera. Activate to gain vision of the surrounding area as well as fire tracking darts that reveal enemies.
- Ultimate - Neural Theft
- Reveals all enemies on the map twice.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Initiator
- Ability 1 - Owl Drone
- Controllable Recon Unit. Grants vision from POV of unit. Capable of firing tracking darts that reveal enemies.
- Ability 2 - Shock Bolt
- Castable AOE damage. Can adjust bounce count (up to 2) as well as release strength.
- Ability 3 - Recon Bolt
- Castable scanner that reveals enemies in LOS. Can adjust bounce count (up to 2) as well as release strength.
- Ultimate - Hunter’s Fury
- Long-ranged horizontal laser. 3 charges.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Sentinel
- Ability 1 - Barrier Orb
- Place a wall. Breaks after a long period of time.
- Ability 2 - Slow Orb
- Throwable molly that slows instead of damages.
- Ability 3 - Healing Orb
- Heals allies or self.
- Ultimate - Resurrection
- Revive one teammate.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Duelist
- Passive - Heating Up
- Heal from AOE of Ability 1 and 2.
- Ability 1 - Blaze
- Castable Wall Smoke that blocks LOS and deals damage. Controllable mid-cast.
- Ability 2 - Hot Hands
- Throwable molly.
- Ability 3 - Curveball
- Short-ranged curved flash.
- Ultimate - Run It Back
- Set a respawn point and gain a second life.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Duelist
- Passive - Drift
- Holding SPACE allows Jett to gently float down instead of falling.
- Ability 1 - Cloudburst
- Castable Orb Smoke that blocks LOS.
- Ability 2 - Updraft
- Leap vertically.
- Ability 3 - Tailwind
- Dash in direction. Have to prime prior to casting.
- Ultimate - Blade Storm
- Gain 5 blades. No fall-off damage, no movement penalty. LEFT CLICK casts one blade at a time. Kills refresh blade count back to 5. RIGHT CLICK casts all 5 in shotgun pellet style. Does not refresh count on kill.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Duelist
- Ability 1 - Boom Bot
- Throwable Recon Unit. Automatically dashes towards the first enemy in LOS. Explodes on arrival, dealing AOE damage.
- Ability 2 - Blast Pack
- Placeable explosive pack. Can jettison Raze or teammates significantly on explosion. Deals damage to structures and enemies in AOE.
- Ability 3 - Paint Shells
- Throwable grenade. Splits into smaller grenades after initial explosion, dealing AOE damage as well.
- Ultimate - Showstopper
- Fires rocket from launcher. AOE damage on contact.
Release Patch/Date: Beta // [7th Apr - 28th May, 2020]
Role: Duelist
- Ability 1 - Aftershock
- Charged damage, goes through walls and explodes three times after a short delay.
- Ability 2 - Flashpoint
- Casts a flash through a wall.
- Ability 3 - Fault Line
- Casts a stun in a straight line. Can be charged to travel further.
- Ultimate - Rolling Thunder
- Casts a stun wave in a cone. Knocks up and stuns all enemies in AOE.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 1.0 // 2nd June 2020
Role: Duelist
- Passive - Soul Harvest
- Reyna’s kills or assists (within a short time period) drop an orb.
- Ability 1 - Leer
- Throwable Near-Sight.
- Ability 2 - Devour
- Consume orb to self-heal.
- Ability 3 - Dismiss
- Consume orb to become invincible and gain increased movement speed briefly.
- Ultimate - Empress
- All kills and assists (within a short time period) will drop an orb. Reyna automatically heals from all takedowns. Dismiss also grants invisibility for the same duration. Fire rate, reload speed, recovery speed and equip speed are all also increased.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 1.05 // 4th Aug 2020
Role: Sentinel
- Ability 1 - Nanoswarm
- Throwable molly. Can be placed and activated at a later time.
- Ability 2 - Alarmbot
- Placeable recon unit. Produces an ALERT zone around itself that will trigger when an enemy enters the zone.
- Ability 3 - Turret
- Placeable recon unit. Automatically fires at enemies in LOS.
- Ultimate - Lockdown
- Placeable pillar. Pillar casts a large zone of influence. After a short delay, the pillar will pulse and all enemies within the zone at the time of the pulse will be detained (unable to shoot and movement speed greatly reduced).
Release Patch/Date: Patch 1.11 // 27th Oct 2020
Role: Duelist
- Ability 1 - Regrowth
- AOE heal cast. Finite heal pool, no cooldown.
- Ability 2 - Trailblazer
- Controllable Recon Unit. Grants vision from POV of unit. Can explode on enemies to cast an AOE stun.
- Ability 3 - Guiding Light
- Controllable flash. Pings when enemies are within LOS of flash pop.
- Ultimate - Seekers
- Summon 3 jellyfish to track down 3 closest enemies. On contact, stun, near-sight, and slow.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 2.0 // 12th Jan 2021
Role: Duelist
- Ability 1 - Fakeout
- Castable lookalike that automatically walks in the direction of the cast. Can be placed and activated at a later time. Flashes enemy in LOS when shot.
- Ability 2 - Blindside
- Castable flash. Bounces once off a surface before popping.
- Ability 3 - Gatecrash
- Castable spawn point. Travels in a straight line or can be placed in a fixed area. Can be recast to teleport to Gatecrash location.
- Ultimate - Dimensional Drift
- Increased movement speed. Become invincible and invisible. All abilities can be cast during duration.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 2.04 // 2nd Mar 2021
Role: Controller
- Passive - Astral Form
- Makes use of a resource called ‘stars’ by placing them on the map.
- Ability 1 - Gravity Well
- Consume a star to create a suction AOE that pulls towards the center.
- Ability 2 - Nova Pulse
- Consume a star to stun in AOE.
- Ability 3 - Nebula / Dissipate
- Consume a star to cast an orb smoke to block LOS. Star can be recalled and repurposed after a re-charge period. The recalled star briefly blooms as an orb smoke.
- Ultimate - Cosmic Divide
- Place a global wall on the map. Bullets and sound can not pass through.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 3.0 // 22nd June 2021
Role: Initiator
- Ability 1 - FRAG/MENT
- Throwable molly.
- Ability 2 - FLASH/DRIVE
- Throwable flash.
- Ability 3 - ZERO/POINT
- Throwable knife. After a short charge, the knife silences all enemies in a large zone. Silenced enemies can not use/activate abilities.
- Ultimate - NULL/CMD
- Releases 4 pulses that silences all enemies within the pulse AOE. Fire rate, reload speed, recovery speed, and equip speed are all increased. KAY/O can not be killed during the duration. Instead he will be downed and can be revived.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 3.10 // 16th Nov 2021
Role: Sentinel
- Ability 1 -Trademark
- Placeable recon unit. Produces an ALERT zone around itself that will trigger when an enemy enters the zone.
- Ability 2 - Headhunter
- Equip a pistol with up to 8 bullets. The pistol is equipped with an optional zoom. No damage fall-off.
- Ability 3 - Rendezvous
- Place a spawn point. The point has a fixed radius around. Chamber can recast at any time within this radius to reposition at the point.
- Ultimate - Tour De Force
- Equip a sniper rifle with 5 bullets. Killing an enemy with the weapon spawns a slow zone around the body.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 4.0 // 11th Jan 2022
Role: Duelist
- Passive - Energy
- Rechargeable resource for Ability 3. Kills recharges a portion instantly.
- Ability 1 - Fast Lane
- Castable Wall Smoke that blocks LOS.
- Ability 2 - Relay Bolt
- Throwable stun.
- Ability 3 - High Gear
- Increases movement speed of Neon at the cost of having no weapon equipped.
- Neon can slide in a direction during the duration of High Gear.
- Ultimate - Overdrive
- Activates High Gear. Refills Energy to full. Fire a beam of electricity that deals damage to enemies. No movement penalty.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 4.08 // 27th Apr 2022
Role: Initiator
- Passive - Trails
- Ability 1, 3 and Ultimate create trails on ‘marked’ enemies. Trails show direction of travel from point of cast to enemy location.
- Ability 1 - Prowler
- Controllable Recon Unit. Locks on to the enemy in LOS and marks them on contact. If trail also pre-exists, Prowler will latch onto trail instead at increased speed.
- Ability 2 - Seize
- Throwable AOE. Roots all enemies within AOE, binding them within an area. Rooted enemies are deafened.
- Ability 3 - Haunt
- Castable scanner that reveals enemies in LOS.
- Ultimate - Nightfall
- Cast a fear wave forwards in an AOE. All enemies in AOE are deafened and produce trails. Fade will also receive information on the number of enemies hit by ultimate.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 5.08 // 18th Oct 2022
Role: Controller
- Ability 1 - Cascade
- Castable wall smoke that blocks LOS. Moves forward in a straight line. Can be stopped prematurely.
- Ability 2 - Cove
- Throwable orb smoke that blocks LOS. Bullets can not pass through smoke. Finite health, will dissipate when enough damage is taken.
- Ability 3 - High Tide
- Castable wall smoke that blocks LOS. Controllable mid-cast.
- Ultimate - Reckoning
- Summon a forward moving AOE that can activate up to 3 times. Enemies within the AOE will summon a slow-charging stun at their location that also shoots up as a beacon to reveal enemy positions.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 6.04 // 7th Mar 2023
Role: Initiator
- Passive - Globules
- Ability 2, 3 and 4 will drop as globules and can be retrieved to be recast again.
- Ability 1 - Mosh Pit
- Throwable molly. Explodes after delay.
- Ability 2 - Wingman
- LEFT CLICK is a throwable recon unit. Automatically dashes towards the first enemy in LOS. Stuns in a cone on arrival. RIGHT CLICK removes spike from inventory (if available) and transports spike to aimed location, planting the spike.
- Ability 3 - Dizzy
- Throwable flash. Flashes in LOS. Indicates direction of flashed enemies.
- Ultimate - Thrash
- Controllable Recon Unit. Grants vision from POV of unit. Can explode on enemies to detain in an AOE (unable to shoot and movement speed greatly reduced).
Release Patch/Date: Patch 7.0 // 27th June 2023
Role: Sentinel
- Ability 1 - Gravnet
- Throwable utility. Casts an AOE that roots all enemies in it, slowing their movement drastically and preventing them from exiting the zone of effect until net is removed by channeling.
- Ability 2 - Sonic Sensor
- Placeable sensor. Produces an ALERT zone in a horizontal line to it that will trigger and stun when an enemy audibly enters the zone.
- Ability 3 - Barrier Mesh
- Place a see-through barrier. Enemies can not pass through. Bullets and utility will still pass through.
- Ultimate - Annihilation
- Fire a channel that ‘kidnaps’ the first enemy that comes into contact with it. After a short channel during which the ‘kidnapped’ enemy is pulled towards the source of the ultimate, they die.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 7.09 // 31st Oct 2023
Role: Duelist
- Ability 1 - Contingency
- Castable wall smoke that blocks LOS and travels horizontally in the direction of the cast. Bullets can not pass through.
- Ability 2 - Undercut
- Castable wave. All enemies hit by wave are made vulnerable (take x2 damage) for a set duration after.
- Ability 3 - Double Tap
- Activate to spawn a shield around yourself that can negate one instance of any damage. Scoring a kill or takedown during the duration of the shield/focus will spawn a shootable orb, which when shot, will provide another instance of shield.
- Ultimate - Kill Contract
- Cast a wave in the direction of the cast. First enemy hit by wave gets ‘kidnapped’ into another dimension along with Iso, where a 1 v 1 will commence. Winner leaves the zone.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 8.05 // 26th Mar 2024
Role: Controller
- Ability 1 - Pick-Me-Up
- Kills or takedown create a charge that can be consumed in exchange for a burst of self-healing and increased movement speed.
- Ability 2 - Meddle
- Throwable decay orb. Enemy hp within AOE will have health reduced temporarily in a burst.
- Ability 3 - Ruse
- Castable orb smoke that blocks LOS. Can be cast after death in a radius around the body.
- Ultimate - Not Dead Yet
- Self-revive. Clove will have to achieve a kill or takedown after revive in order to permanently return. Otherwise, revive will expire.
Release Patch/Date: Patch 9.04 // 27th Aug 2024
Role: Sentinel
- Ability 1 - Razorvine
- Throwable molly. Creates an AOE field that slows and damages over time if an enemy moves through it.
- Ability 2 - Shear
- Placeable sensor. Produces an ALERT zone in a horizontal line to it that will trigger and erect an indestructible wall when an enemy audibly passes the zone.
- Ability 3 - Arc Rose
- Placeable flash. Blinds through the wall.
- Ultimate - Steel Garden
- Casts an AOE that temporarily disables all primary weapons for enemy agents caught in the zone.
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Featured Image Credit: Riot Games
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