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Merciless in Paris : Paris Major Quarterfinals 2 Recap

Merciless in Paris : Paris Major Quarterfinals 2 Recap

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
20 May
Kaustavmani Choudhury

Second quarterfinals of the Paris Major took place on the 19th of May. 2 more teams have had their dreams crushed, while the other 2 are still in it for the coveted title of the last CSGO Major.

Game 1: GamerLegion vs Monte

First of the two spots of the Semi Finals was taken by GamerLegion, as they beat Monte in a dominant 2-0 sweep.

  1. Monte removed Inferno
  2. GamerLegion removed Anubis
  3. Monte picked Mirage
  4. GamerLegion picked Overpass
  5. GamerLegion removed Nuke
  6. Monte removed Ancient
  7. Vertigo was left over


Map 1 was Mirage, where things started off quite even. Both teams traded win streaks to end the half 8-7. But then GL showed off a T-side masterclass. Only allowing Monte to win 2 rounds, GL won the map 16-10.

Overpass was a whole different game altogether. GL had a tremendous first half on their T-side. They ended the first half 12-3. Monte could not find any answers for what was being thrown at them. GL decided to end it, as they won the map 16-3.

It was iM at the top of the table with a staggering 51 kills and a 1.78 rating overall.

Game 2: Team Liquid vs Apeks

In a surprise upset, Apeks managed to steal the final spot in the Semi Finals as they beat Team Liquid 2-0 in their matchup.

  1. Apeks removed Nuke
  2. Liquid removed Vertigo
  3. Apeks picked Ancient
  4. Liquid picked Overpass
  5. Liquid removed Mirage
  6. Apeks removed Inferno
  7. Anubis was left over

Apeks started off with a dominant run in Ancient. Showing off a stellar T-side, the European side managed to end the first half 11-4. But Liquid did not give up without a fight, as they did manage to amass 6 rounds in the second half. However, this was all of their comeback, as Apeks took the map win at 16-10.

It was a similar story on Overpass, where Apeks again had a dominant start. This time on their CT-side, they ended the first half again at 11-4. Again, Liquid did not go down without a fight, as they brought themselves up to double digits at 11-13. However, Apeks decided to end it, as they won the map off the back of a 3 round win streak at 16-11.

North Macedonian star kyxsan was leafing the table with 49 kills and a 1.34 rating overall.

GamerLegion and Apeks have secured the final 2 two spots of the Semi Finals of the Paris Major. Paris Major Quarterfinals Day 2 results Image Source:

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