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Here's how BZM crushed Tundra Esports on Earth Spirit

Here's how BZM crushed Tundra Esports on Earth Spirit

Dota 2
28 Sep
Ryan Antony Bernard

Dota2 is a game filled with surprises. From Fountain Hooks to OG's two TI wins, pro players are the center of these surprises. As the game evolves, so do the players, and we get to see Dota2 from a new perspective.

One such event was BZM's recent performance on Earth Spirit. He got a KDA of 19/1/7 in a 20-minute game against Tundra Esports  eliminating them from DreamLeague S21. How did he achieve this incredible feat? Let's break down the game and find out!

Tundra Vs. OG: Game 3

Tundra picked Phantom Assassin, and OG picked Troll, both heroes who require time to farm. So, everyone expected the game to move at a slow pace. Tundra had the last pick and got Void Spirit for Topson into Bzm's Earth Spirit.

The game started with OG wrapping around Bottom Tier 1 and finding Nine. They gave BZM the kill after separating Nine from his team. MinD_ContRoL then claimed OG's 2nd kill right when the bounty runes spawned. This put OG in the lead even before the lanes started.

During the laning phase, BZM played aggressively, not allowing Topson to get the farm he needed. With BZM leading in the last hits, he got an early bottle to stay healthy while Topson remained under his tower. Four minutes into the game, BZM dove into the enemy tower and killed Topson, gaining a level advantage and securing both Water Runes.

OG, except MinD_ContRoL, then moved towards the top lane, forcing Tundra to react while PA farmed. After taking their Top Tier one tower, BZM proceeded to roll into the enemy team. Thinking they could burst the OG midlaner, all four Tundra heroes jumped on him, but he activated his Blade Mail. The return damage & Warlock's Fatal Bonds killed all four of Tundra's heroes before BZM fell. This was the Earth Spirit's only death, but it happened with Tundra paying a hefty price.

After this, OG had free reign over the map, picking apart Tundra's heroes one after the other. BZM and Kitrak set records at DreamLeague S21, having the highest kills, assists, and hero damage at 15 minutes. With OG getting mega creeps at 20 minutes, Tundra tapped out.

BZM's Earth Spirit Item Build

Earth Spirit Strength of the Demon Stone It's so much easier to catch Earth Spirit now. (Credit: Valve)

BZM's starting items were a set of Tango, a Quelling Blade, Faerie Fire, and 3 Iron Branches for stats, he then went for Bottle, a standard mid-lane item.

Even with Earth Spirits' insane strength growth, BZM  wanted more stats, finishing his Bracer, Magic Wand, and Power Treads by the six-minute mark.


Getting Blade Mail at 10 minutes was crucial for these reasons:

  • Earth Spirit was rolling in and initiating fights, meaning the enemy would concentrate on him first.
  • Activating Blade Mail against burst damage heroes such as PA and Void Spirit can kill them because of their small HP pools.
  • Earth Spirit's primary attribute is Strength. He can tank enough damage and stay healthy while returning a high amount.

BZM then completed his Heart of Tarrasque at 17 minutes. Healing faster meant more time to mess with the enemy and stand his ground during fights.

Two minutes after the heart, he got a Sange. By this time, the game was over, so the idea behind this item was presumably a Halberd for PA or a Sange & Kaya to increase the magic damage output that ES relies on.

Earth Spirit's Ability Build by BZM

Earth Spirit Vanquishing Demons Auto-bots, roll out! (Credit: Valve)

BZM went 3 points in Boulder Smash and 2 points in Rolling Boulder during the laning stage. This mobility advantage pressured Topson, and not leveling Dissimilate left him vulnerable to BZM's aggression.

He then maxed both skills by level 10, with the four-second cooldown on Rolling Boulder making him a hard target. He chose the +200 Rolling Boulder Distance at 11 which helped him catch an escaping PA three times.

Geomagnetic Grip was skilled at level nine when he knew catching the enemy would become harder. This ability was only leveled again at 13 & 14 since the cooldown for this skill does not reduce with levels.

OG drafted exceptionally well for team fights.  When their heroes executed their abilities simultaneously, they dealt massive damage. Treant's Overgrowth, Tide's Ravage, Warlock's Chaotic Offering, and Fatal Bonds paired with Magnetize, Tundra didn't stand a chance.

If you want to watch this game in Dota2, the match ID is 7348176857.

Is Earth Spirit a good hero to learn?

Earth Spirit Emanations of the Worldcore Not the easiest hero to master, but well worth it. (Credit: Valve)


Yes, Earth Spirit is one of the many versatile heroes in Dota2. ES provides initiation, stuns, silences, DPS, and decent survivability but requires a lot of practice to learn positioning and timing.

Items for ES vary based on the role and type of enemy in that particular game. Some common Earth Spirit items are Bracer, Magic Wand, Spirit Vessel, and BKB.

Earth Spirit can be countered with BKB, and silence makes him an easy target.

Overall, ES has many skills under his arsenal and can be devastating for the enemy when played right. With concentration and practice, you can also be a good Earth Spirit.

Want to learn more about midlane heroes ? Here's a guide on Queen of Pain right here on Strafe!


Feature Image: @OGesports

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