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CadiaN and Astralis 13-0'd on their debut map

CadiaN and Astralis 13-0'd on their debut map

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Martin Arévalo-Östberg

Immediately after mounting a circus at the BLAST Premier Fall Final, cadiaN and Astralis lost their very first map of the tournament in 13-0 fashion.

The embarrassing defeat at the hands of Vitality came just one day after in-game leaders from several top teams at the tournament decided not to show up for their media duties. The historic stance was caused by none other than Astralis themselves after their disregard for both the rules and their own player, Alexander "⁠br0⁠" Bro.

Was it worth it?

Whether it was to earn some extra practice time with cadiaN against top-tier competition or because the team thought they actually had a better shot at winning the whole thing with the Danish IGL at the helm, Astralis' sorry performance on Day 1 was painful to watch.

After failing to win even a single round on their own map pick of Inferno to start the tournament, the question has to be asked: was mounting a circus really worth it?

The team has promised a change of tides, but unless a hurricane hits the BLAST Premier: Fall Final, Astralis has shown nothing at all in terms of gameplay today to warrant any confidence in their ability to turn the ship around.

But then again, maybe they can. Maybe cadiaN simply thought the IGL boycott was still ongoing, and chose to take part and not show up to play against Vitality. Who's to say, really?

Regardless, the heat is mounting on Astralis. And the hungry mouths that feed the fire will only be sated by answers. Can Astralis come up with some soon?


Stay tuned to Strafe Esports for more coverage on the BLAST Premier: Fall Final 2024. You can also follow the official BLAST Premier X account for real-time updates.

Image Source: Astralis, edited by Strafe Esports

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