Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Season 02: New Maps, Game Modes and More
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is launching their Season 2 update on the 28th of January. The launch of Season 1 back on November 14th served as the official continuation post-campaign for Black Ops 6, with Sevati “Sev” Dumas returning as the pivotal protagonist. Season 1 is set to end of the 28th, the same day Season 2 launches.
The new season update will include a bounty of new content for players old and new alike to enjoy, from gameplay updates to new maps, weapons, and challenges.
Call of Duty Warzone will also be receiving an update at the same time for Season 2, with new weapons, operators, events and gameplay updates, as well as new ranked rewards and perks. Some content will be released on launch, and others will come with the mid-season update.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Season 2 Story
After successfully defeating all the vying factions on Avalon, Sev now toasts her success – but it’s short-lived. The Luttazzi faction are back, and they’ve put a hit out on the entire Rogue Team as payback for their earlier actions in Season 1. Now, an anonymous assassin pursues the team and the tables are turned. Hunter becomes the hunted.
Call of Duty Season 2 All Updates
New Weapons and Armaments
This new update sees the addition of 6 new weapons to the game as well as 4 new armaments.
New Weapons (Season 2 Launch)
- PPSh-41 (SMG)
- Cypher 091 (Assault Rifle)
- Feng 82 (LMG)
- TR2 (Marksman Rifle)
New Weapon Attachments (Season 2 Launch)
- Crossbow Attachment
- Applicable to: Assault Rifles, SWAT 5.56, and AEK-973 Marksman Rifles
- Classification: Underbarrel Attachment
- Description: 3 explosive tipped bolts detonate shortly after impact.
- Full Auto Mod
- Applicable to: AEK-973 Marksman Rifle
- Classification: Fire Mod Attachment
- Description: Converts AEK-973 into fully automatic weapon with 5.45x39mm rounds.
- Binary Trigger
- Applicable to: Tanto .22 SMG
- Classification: Fire Mod Attachment
- Description: Converts full-auto firing mode into specialized semi-auto function that fires a bullet when trigger is pressed and again when released.
- Belt-Fed Attachment
- Applicable to: LMG
- Classification: Additional Attachments (3), Magazine Attachment
- Description: Adds ammo that’s continuously fed to weapon through sustained fire.

New Events
Season 2 also introduces 3 new confirmed events: The Terminator, Shadow Hunt, and St. Patrick’s Day: Clover Craze.
The Terminator
Available for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone, the event will introduce 13 confirmed rewards, including the Full Auto Mod and the PPSh-41 weapon blueprint. Launch date is set for the 6th of February and will run until the 20th.
Event Guidelines: Collect skulls to unlock rewards. Skulls are earned via eliminations in Multiplayer and Zombies. Warzone will reward skulls for player eliminations and by opening caches. Bonus skulls can be earned by eliminating using explosive or fire damage.
Shadow Hunt
Available for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone, the event will introduce 7 confirmed rewards, including the Binary Trigger weapon attachment and the TR2 Marksman Rifle. Launch date is set for the 13th of February and will run until the 20th.
Event Guidelines: Complete Nocturne’s Challenges.
St. Patrick’s Day: Clover Craze
Available for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone, the event will introduce an unconfirmed number of rewards. The launch date is also currently unconfirmed.
Event Guidelines: Collect four-leaf clovers by landing eliminations in Multiplayer or Zombies, or by eliminating players and opening caches in Warzone.
Call of Duty Season 2 Battlepass and BlackCell
2 new base operators will be introduced with the Season 2 update: Vortex and Nocturne. Additional skins for both these new operators will also be included, scattered throughout the Season 2 battlepass and BlackCell page.
Season 2 Battlepass highlights:
- (New) ‘Nocturne’ Skin
- (New) ‘Obsidian Nocturne’ Skin
- (New) ‘Nocturne BlackCell’ Skin (BlackCell exclusive)
- (New) ‘Maul Nocturne’ Skin (BlackCell exclusive)
- ‘Shared Fate’ Legendary Blueprint for XM4 Assault Rifle
- ‘Scarred’ Legendary Weapon Sticker

The Season 2 Battle Pass is priced at 1100 COD Points. However, the Season 2 Battle Pass bundle is priced at 2400 COD points, allowing purchasing players to immediately unlock the instant rewards page of the Battle Pass. The Season 2 Battle Pass includes over 110 pieces of unlockable content.
BlackCell in Season 2 introduces new operator Vortex, along with an assortment of other items via the exclusive BlackCell page.
- 20 Battle Token Tier Skips
- 1100 COD points
- ‘Boneshard’ Mastercraft Blueprint (Jackal POW SMG)
- ‘Blacksmoke’ Weapon Blueprint (AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle)
- ‘Hound’s Tooth’ Finishing Move
- ‘BlackCell’ Clan Tag (showcased in Lobbies and Winner’s Circles)
- BlackCell exclusive skins (Nocturne, Rossi, Marshall, Grey, Stone, and Toro)
- BlackCell exclusive weapon blueprints (AK-47, DM-10, Feng-82, Cypher 091, ASG-89, and PPSh-41)
Stackable XP Boost
Players who purchased Season 1 and 2 BlackCell will receive a permanent 10% player and weapon XP boost. The boost is stackable with subsequent Blackcell season purchase (up to 50% for Bo6 seasons only).
New Store Bundles
The Terminator

COD’s latest collaboration sees the iconic Terminator land on Avalon as a brand-new operator. The bundle will include the following:
- T-800 (Ultra)
- Titanium Core (Ultra)
LA Fire Relief Ultra Skin

A pack released in concert with Activision’s effort to provide support and relief in the wake of the devastating 2025 Los Angeles fires. 100% of the proceeds are to go directly to the LA Fire Department Foundation and Direct Relief.

Mission Redacted Reactive
Coming soon.
Death Mosh Mastercraft
Coming soon.
Satin Smoke Reactive
Coming soon.
Black Ops 6 Season 2 Update
New Multiplayer Maps

- 6v6
- Medium-Sized
- Launch

- 6v6
- Medium-Sized
- Launch

- 2v2/6v6
- Small-Sized
- Launch

- 2v2/6v6
- Small-Sized
- Mid-Season

- 6v6
- Medium-Sized
- Mid-Season
New Multiplayer Game Modes

- Launch
- Team Deathmatch
Team Deathmatch with a twist. Compete by earning stars, be the first team to collect the maximum number of stars. New 'Overdrive' mechanic can help players earn double stars when active.
- 1 star per Basic Elimination (body shots)
- 2 stars per Core Medal Eliminations (headshots, melee attacks)
- 3 stars per Distinguished Medal Eliminations (impressive takedowns)
- 'Overdrive' mechanic grants operators special abilities via accrual of stars.
- 1 Star: Awakened senses. See enemies through health, replenish health after target elimination.
- 3 Stars: Physical enhancements. Increased movement and reloading speed.
- 6 Stars: Augmented handling. Improved hip-fire accuracy and improved sprint-to-fire and ADS speeds.
- Getting eliminated or allowing the elimination timer to run out will reset the 'Overdrive' climb. Reach 6 stars to activate Overdrive. Overdrive grants double stars when eliminating enemies while active.
Gun Game

- Launch
- Free-for-All Deathmatch
First Operator to cycle through all 20 weapons wins the match. Eliminations advances the player to the next weapon. All player positions will be periodically revealed on the map. Current top 2 best performing players in the lobby will have their names and progress displayed on-screen. Melee attacks reset an enemy to the previous weapon.
Third Wheel Gunfight

- In-Season
- 3v3
Couples Dance Off

- In-Season
- 2v2
Moshpit of Face Off game modes (Team Deathmatch, Domination, Kill Confirmed)
Gameplay Updates
New Perks

Slipstream (Event Reward)
- Raises base sprint speed at the cost of removing Tac Sprint.
- Perk Slot: 3
- Type: Enforcer (Red)

Hunter's Instinct (Mid-Season)
- Eliminating an enemy marks the next closest enemy
- Perk Slot: 2
- Type: Enforcer (Red)
New Wildcard

Flyswatter (In-Season)
- Allows a player to replace their Dedicated Melee weapon with a Launcher
New Scorestreak

Warmachine (Event Reward)
- Equip a powerful burst-fire grenade launcher with grenades that explode on impact. Large magazine.
- Type: Lethal
- Score: 1300
- Master Badges: Yes
Quality of Life Updates
Challenge Tracking and Near Completion
- Manually track up to 10 Calling Card Challenges and 10 Camo Challenges per mod
- If you have fewer than 10 Calling Card Challenges or 10 Camo Challenges, the nearest Challenges to completion will display in those available slots instead.
- Top Tracked and Near Completion Calling Card and Camo Challenges will be displayed in the lobby as well as in-game via Options Menu.
Unique HUD presets
- Players will be able to set HUD preset settings to their preference for both Multiplayer and Zombies, keeping the profiles separate and without need to change when switching between modes.
General QoL Updates
- Reduced collision with teammates around tight spaces and doorways
- Weapon balance pass and bullet penetration updates
- Further reducing weapon motion when jumping, sliding, and diving with Dexterity Perk equipped
- Improved player visibility in Kill Confirmed (reduced height of Dog Tags on map)
- Simplifying and/or expanding requirements for several Calling Card Challenges, as well as fixing bugged Challenges
- Expanding number of Featured Playlist slots to allow for more marquee playlists in the main menu
Multiplayer Ranked Play
Season 2 Map Playlist
- Protocol (Hardpoint, S&D, Control)
- Skuline (Hardpoint, S&D)
- Vault (Hardpoint, S&D, Control)
- Red Card (Hardpoint, S&D)
- Hacienda (Hardpoint, S&D, Control)
Season 2 Ranked Play Rewards

- 10 wins: Pro Issue Jackal POW Blueprint
- 100 wins: '100 Season 2 wins' Large Decal
- Silver: 'Ranked Season 2 - Silver' Calling Card
- Gold: 'Ranked Season 2 - Gold' Calling Card
- Platinum: 'Ranked Season 2 - Platinum' Calling Card
- Diamond: 'Ranked Season 2 - Diamond' Calling Card
- Crimson: 'Ranked Season 2 - Crimson' Calling Card
- Iridescent: 'Ranked Season 2 - Iridescent' Calling Card
- Top 250: 'Ranked Season 2 - Top 250' Calling Card
- Top 250 #1: 'Ranked Season 2 - Top 250 Champion' Calling Card
Ranked Play Camos
- Gold (Start in/above or reach Gold at any point in Season 2)
- Platinum (Start in/above or reach Platinum at any point in Season 2)
- Diamond (Start in/above or reach Diamond at any point in Season 2)
- Crimson (Start in/above or reach Crimson at any point in Season 2)
- Iridescent (Start in/above or reach Iridescent at any point in Season 2)
- Top 250 (Finish Season 2 in the Top 250)
COD: Zombies New Season Update
New Map Introduced: Tomb

Set to launch on Tuesday, January 28th at 9am PT. Witness the continuation of the events from Citadelle des Morts. Now entering a cursed dig site and the ancient catacombs beneath with several notable locations including:
- Dig Site
- Neolithic Catacombs and Ossuary
- Tombs
- Shrine of the Hierophants
- Subterranean Temple and Deep Excavation
- Doorway to Nowhere and Dark Aether Nexus
For now, the Main Quest game mode will be available at launch, with expectations for a Directed Mode to arrive in the Mid-Season.
Additional Gameplay Content

New enemy Shock Mimic lands with this latest update. Much like the regular Mimics, Shock Mimics will be disguised as useful items, however they have the additional twist of disrupting your radar as well as shocking players with their electrifying bite.
The Staff of Ice is the latest Wonder Weapon to drop. Capable of firing blasts of frost and emitting healing energy to resuscitate allies from a distance, the staff will be prized commodity in the deadly below.

Completing the Main Quest will reward players with the 'X91 Ice-Pike' Wonder Weapon Skin (Project Janus facsimile of the 'Staff of Ice') and a unique Calling Card, as well as 5000 XP.
New interactables will also be introduced.
- Arrow Traps: Send out darts of damaging energy from the wall.
- Aetheric Lanterns: Dynamic hazards that can rain down Aetheric fire when hit.
- Audio Logs: Delve into the lore of the ancient site with Intel found through scattered Audio Logs, Documents, and Artifacts.
New Perk-a-Cola Drop Death Perception returns from Black Ops 4, giving players the ability to detect enemies through obstacles and walls via outlines of their bodies. Death Perception is available on Citadelle des morts, Liberty falls, and Terminus.
Death Perception Augments
Major Augments
- Treasure Hunter
- Spot missable items from loot container as well as Special and Elite kills
- Death Stare
- Elemental weakness damage has a chance to kill an enemy that is low on health
- Critical Eye
- Small chance of body shots becoming a critical shot
Minor Augments
- Bird's Eye View
- Minimap scan rate increased
- Extra Change
- Find extra Essence under more locations
- Further Insight
- Increase perception radius
New Gobblegums: Dead Drop (Epic), Modified Chaos (Legendary), Quacknarok (Whimsical).
- Dead Drop: Greatly increase drop rates for Salvage and Equipment (5 minutes)
- Modified Chaos: Greatly reduce all Ammo mod cooldowns (2 minutes)
- Quacknarok: Zombies move around in rubber ducky inner tubes (3 minutes)
The Semi-Automatic War Machine will also be dropping, arriving in the Support section of the Crafting table.
Quality of Life Updates
- Co-op Pause
- In matches where everyone is in the same party, the party leader will be able to pause the game for everyone.
- AFK Kick Loadout Recovery
- If a player is kicked for being AFK too long in a co-op game, their loudout, Essense, and Salvage will all be restored after their rejoin the match in progress.
Warzone Season 2 Update
New Perks

Reactive Armor (Launch)
- Armor will regenerate up to 50% if you haven't taken damage in the last 5 seconds
- Perk Slot: 2

Low Profile (Mid-Season)
- Able to move more quickly while crouched and prone. Move slightly faster when downed.
- Perk Slot: 1
Gameplay and QoL Updates
- Finetuned
- Weapon Reload
- Swap Speeds
- Jump Mechanics
- Parachute Transitions
- Audio Clarity
- Adjustments
- Default perks
- Equipment Count
- Body Shield behavior
- QoL Additions
- Pingable Buy Back Flares
- Stat Tracker Font change (legibility improvement)
- Refinement
- SR amount required for Ranked Play
- Adjustments to deployment fees
- Map Visibility
- Weapon Interaction
- Perks (Unspecificed)
Warzone Season 2 Ranked Play
Ranked Play Rewards

- First Season Win: Elimination Charm
- Get 25 Eliminations: Elimination Sticker
- Get 100 Eliminations: Elimination Weapon Camo
- Get 250 Eliminations: Elimination Weapon Blueprint
- Silver: 'Ranked Season 2 – Silver' Emblem
- Gold: 'Ranked Season 2 – Gold' Calling Card, Emblem, and Weapon Camo
- Platinum: 'Ranked Season 2 – Platinum' Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo
- Diamond: 'Ranked Season 2 – Diamond' Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo
- Crimson: 'Ranked Season 2 – Crimson' Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo
- Iridescent: 'Ranked Season 2 – Iridescent' Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo
- Top 250: 'Ranked Season 2 – Top 250' Calling Card Emblem, and Weapon Camo
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Featured Image Credit: Activision
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