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Conquering Roshan in Dota 2: Essential Tips and Insights

Conquering Roshan in Dota 2: Essential Tips and Insights

Dota 2
4 Jun
Aidan van Vuuren

Introduction to Roshan

Roshan, often called Roshan the Immortal, is a pivotal neutral creep boss in Dota 2. His presence on the map significantly impacts the strategies and decisions of both teams. Understanding Roshan's abilities, behavior, and the rewards for defeating him is crucial for mastering Dota 2.

Roshan's Abilities

Roar of Retribution

Roshan's Roar of Retribution is a powerful ability that pierces debuff immunity. When Roshan is attacked by the team that last killed him and his health drops below 80%, he releases an angry roar. This roar damages all enemies within a 900 AoE and increases their incoming damage by 25%. The damage inflicted by this ability grows over time, adding 10 damage per minute.


The Slam ability does not pierce debuff immunity. Roshan slams the ground, dealing magical damage and slowing the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies. The damage from Slam increases by 10 every minute, making it more formidable as the game progresses. For example, at 10 minutes, Slam deals 170 damage, and at 50 minutes, it deals 570 damage.


Roshan's passive ability, Bash, gives him a 15% chance to stun enemies with his attacks. This physical damage ability is crucial in disabling opponents during fights.

Spell Block

Roshan has a Spell Block ability that allows him to block one targeted spell every 15 seconds. It also reduces status effects by 25%, making him more resistant to spell-based attacks.

Strength of the Immortal

This passive ability grants Roshan several protective features, including 55% magic damage resistance and reduced damage from attacking illusions. His armor bonus scales up over time, increasing as the game progresses.

On The Move

Roshan moves between two pits based on the time of day. He stays in Radiant's pit during the day and Dire's pit during the night. This ability increases his movement speed and damages and knocks back all units in his path.

Roshan's Behavior

Roshan behaves similarly to other neutral creeps but with unique characteristics. He idles in his pit when undisturbed and prioritizes attacking ward-type units if no other units are within his range. Roshan moves between the two pits based on the time of day, using the Fiend's Gate to teleport across the map.

Roshan Pit

Roshan's pits are located at the far north-west and south-east corners of the map, close to the Twin Gates. These pits have specific limitations:

  • Roshan can only be attacked from within the pit area.
  • Abilities can target him from anywhere.
  • Wards cannot be placed inside the pits.
  • Vision around the pits is restricted, affecting ground vision but not flying vision.

Roshan's Death and Respawning

When Roshan is slain, he releases a roar that can be heard across the entire map, accompanied by special music and an announcement. He respawns randomly between 8 to 11 minutes later, appearing in Radiant's pit during the day and Dire's pit at night. The team that kills Roshan receives significant gold and experience rewards. Each player gets 135 gold, and the hero landing the killing blow receives an additional 200-290 gold.

Kill Rewards

Defeating Roshan yields several powerful consumable items:

Aegis of the Immortal

This item drops on each of Roshan's deaths. It provides the Reincarnation ability, allowing the hero who picks it up to respawn instantly upon death.


Cheese drops on Roshan's second death and onwards if slain in the Dire pit. It offers a full heal and can be sold for 500 gold.

Roshan's Banner

This item drops on Roshan's second death and onwards if slain in the Radiant pit. It allows the placement of a banner, announcing the team's victory.

Aghanim's Blessing

Aghanim's Blessing drops on Roshan's third death if slain in the Dire pit. It enhances a hero's abilities when consumed.

Refresher Shard

This item drops on Roshan's third death if slain in the Radiant pit. It resets the cooldowns of all abilities and items for the hero who uses it.

Spell Interactions

Roshan's status as an ancient creep means he has unique interactions with various spells. Some spells do not affect him at all, while others have modified effects. For example, spells like Flamebreak and Gust cannot affect Roshan, while abilities like Hex turn him into a giant critter.

Forced Movement Interactions

Forced movement and teleport spells interact uniquely with Roshan. For instance, Reality Rift and Black Hole apply their effects except for the movement itself. Spells that usually cause forced movement, like Flaming Lasso, do not interrupt Roshan's actions.

Trivia and Cultural Impact

Roshan is named after Guinsoo's bowling ball. In Dota 2 lore, Roshan killed a Shopkeeper to claim the Aegis of the Immortal. The name "Roshan" means "light" in Farsi and is a common Persian and Indian name. Roshan inspired the creation of League of Legends' Baron Nashor, with "Nashor" being an anagram of Roshan.

Roshan's Influence on Game Strategies

Roshan's presence on the map significantly shapes the strategies employed by both teams. Teams often prioritize controlling the area around Roshan's pit, anticipating the right moment to engage him. The timing of Roshan kills can drastically shift the balance of power. For instance, a team might attempt to take down Roshan just before a major team fight, securing the Aegis of the Immortal to grant a key hero an extra life.

Team Dynamics and Coordination

Successfully engaging Roshan usually requires careful team coordination. Roshan is a formidable opponent, and his abilities can quickly turn a poorly executed attempt into a disaster. Teams must ensure they have the right combination of heroes, items, and spells to take him down efficiently. For example, heroes with high physical damage output and abilities that reduce Roshan's armor are particularly effective.

The Risks and Rewards of Defeating Roshan

The rewards for defeating Roshan are substantial, but so are the risks. Engaging Roshan can leave a team vulnerable to attacks from the enemy team. A well-timed intervention by the opposing team can result in a devastating turnaround, with the would-be victors losing both the fight and Roshan's rewards. This dynamic adds a layer of strategic depth, as teams must weigh the benefits of attempting to kill Roshan against the potential risks.

Example Scenarios

Consider a scenario where a team, leading in kills but trailing in overall map control, decides to take a risk by attempting to kill Roshan. If successful, they gain the Aegis of the Immortal, which can turn the tide in the next major team fight, allowing their key damage dealer to play more aggressively. However, if the opposing team catches wind of their attempt and successfully contests it, the leading team might suffer significant losses, losing not just heroes but also control over the crucial Roshan area.

Impact on Late-Game Strategies

In the late game, Roshan's significance grows even further. The additional items he drops, such as Cheese, Refresher Shard, and Aghanim's Blessing, can provide game-changing advantages. For instance, a Refresher Shard can allow a hero with powerful ultimate abilities, like Enigma or Tidehunter, to use their game-changing spells twice in quick succession, potentially wiping out the enemy team in a critical fight.

Understanding Roshan's Mechanics

Mastering Roshan involves more than just understanding his abilities and timing. Players need to be aware of Roshan's behavior, such as his movement between the two pits and how his abilities scale with time. Knowledge of the specific mechanics, like his Spell Block and the specific spells that do not affect him, is crucial for planning a successful engagement.


Roshan's role in Dota 2 is pivotal, influencing game strategies and team dynamics. His abilities, behavior, and the rewards for defeating him make Roshan a crucial objective in many matches. Understanding how to effectively engage and defeat Roshan can provide a significant advantage, making mastery of this powerful boss essential for success in Dota 2.

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