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Case opening in CS2 reaches 45 million units in the first month

Case opening in CS2 reaches 45 million units in the first month

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
3 Nov
Andre Guaraldo

In October 2023, Counter-Strike 2 celebrated its one-month anniversary since its release and the gaming community's love for one of the most profitable features of the game persisted in this latest version. According to data from CSGO Case Tracer, players worldwide cracked open more than 45 million cases during the 31 days of the previous month. This phenomenal figure marks a significant milestone for the game's developer, Valve. Among the various types of cases, the "Dreams & Nightmares" case stole the spotlight, with players collectively unlocking over six million units of this edition.

CS2 players are hunting skins through outstanding case opening levels, only seen before in early 2023 (credits: Dot Esports) CS2 players are hunting skins through outstanding case opening levels, only seen before in early 2023 (credits: Dot Esports)

The popularity of case opening in Counter-Strike 2

The act of opening cases in Counter-Strike has become a staple feature of the game, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the experience. Players have the opportunity to unlock a wide range of in-game items, from character skins to weapon customizations and even exclusive cosmetics. The allure of potentially obtaining rare and valuable items has created a massive demand for these cases, driving players to open them in the hopes of striking it rich within the virtual world.

The case opening surge

An interesting trend that emerged in the world of Counter-Strike is the consistent growth in the number of cases being opened. In recent times, the number of case openings had remained relatively stable, hovering around 40 million since May 2023. However, in the first month following the release of Counter-Strike 2, the number skyrocketed to an astounding 45 million cases. This spike illustrates the enduring popularity of the feature and hints at its significance for the game's financial ecosystem.

As soon as CS2 got announced players made the skin economy soar and this also impacted case opening numbers (credits: Esports.GG) As soon as CS2 got announced players made the skin economy soar and this also impacted case opening numbers (credits: Esports.GG)

The financial windfall for Valve

Valve, the company behind the Counter-Strike franchise, has reaped substantial financial rewards from the phenomenon of case openings. Each case requires a key to unlock, and these keys cost a sum for the player, but rather purchased by players. With the sheer volume of cases being opened, the revenue generated from the sale of keys becomes a substantial income stream for Valve.

What makes this even more impressive is the consideration of the average price of keys. When you multiply the number of cases opened, in this case, the staggering 45 million, by the cost of a key, it becomes evident how lucrative this venture has been. At an estimated price of $2 per key, this translates to more than $100 million in revenue generated from case openings in just one month.

The ongoing influence of case opening

The financial power of case openings in Counter-Strike 2 not only benefits Valve but also has a broader impact on the gaming industry as a whole. This feature not only keeps players engaged but also contributes significantly to the esports ecosystem by funding prize pools, events, and tournaments. It's a win-win scenario where players enjoy the thrill of opening cases, and the game developer and esports scene benefit financially.


In the world of Counter-Strike 2, case openings have proven to be an indispensable financial powerhouse, with Valve reaping the rewards of its popularity. The surge in case openings in the first month after the game's release demonstrates the enduring allure of this feature. Valve's ability to capitalize on this trend by generating substantial revenue from the sale of keys underscores the financial importance of case openings. As this gaming phenomenon continues to evolve, it remains a testament to the symbiotic relationship between players seeking virtual treasures and the developers enjoying real-world financial success. Case openings in Counter-Strike 2 have not only transformed the in-game experience but also the way the gaming industry thrives financially.

Stay tuned to Strafe for more Counter-Strike 2 information as well as real-time updates of competitive matches

Featured image credits: Water CS2 Youtube channel

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