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Daxak parts ways with PSG Quest

Daxak parts ways with PSG Quest

Dota 2
21 Jan

After a disappointing four-month partnership, Nikita "Daxak" Kuzmin and PSG Quest are going their separate ways. Daxak joined the squad as a coach in September 2023 but since he started coaching the players, the team has either come in last at tournaments or failed to qualify.

This news is no surprise to Dota 2 fans, as the days leading up to the announcement saw the coach share harsh words about his team.

Daxak blasted PSG Quest days before leaving

Daxak when he joined Quest The start of a beautiful (?) relationship. (Credit: Quest Esports).

In a public telegram post, the former coach shared his feelings on the squad and they weren't exactly positive, to say the least.

Daxak stated that he should have never gone to the PSG Quest boot camp, the effort he put in, and his worries about the future.

"Everything I did was aimed at the result of the team not to mention how much knowledge, emotion, and effort I gave under the conditions I had.

Even my last actions were to try to improve the situation, even though I could have just sat there doing my usual impact and watched it all fall apart.

I won't let my reputation (I know it's messed up) be ruined any further after all I've done.

It's not clear about my future because my results and reputation are in the shit =no one will even let me show myself but I'm still ready to join any normal team to prove in just a couple of hours that I can and know (if I don't get such a chance I'll just go to pubs and hope that I'll be lucky at least once in my career)."

Daxak finished his message by providing a colorful description of what his former squad can do.

"As for the future of my former team, I can say that they can f**k everyone up and s**k everyone's d**k - that's the price of f***ed up training. That there is knowledge and skills but no training process (including my departure may give them the necessary motivation to give)."

Daxak's guidance hurt PSG Quest

PSG Joins TI 12 with Quest Esports Partnership - Strafe Esports Quest had a very underwhelming debut at TI. (Credit: PSG Quest).

While Daxak paints an interesting picture of his time with the squad, it's important to remember that this isn't the first time he has had issues getting along with his team.

After qualifying for the Lima Major with HellRaisers, the team decided they would rather remove Daxak than compete with him.

The result was a disappointing top-12 finish for HellRaisers at the Major, and some shots from their former carry.

The negative trend continued when Nikita joined Quest. The team was achieving great results before that, with a bronze medal at the Bali Major and taking home USD $500,000 from Riyadh Masters.

After teaming up with Daxak, they were last at The International 12 and failed to make it through either the BetBoom Dacha Dubai or DreamLeague Season 22 qualifiers.

Whether Daxak was a bad influence on the team or the partnership was just mismatched is hard to tell. What is obvious is that this was clearly a negative relationship for both parties.

Hopefully, the future will look brighter for both and we wish them them the best of luck.


Featured Image Source: PSG Quest


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