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DIG Santorin Officially Departing the LCS

DIG Santorin Officially Departing the LCS

League of Legends
10 Oct
Antonio Cinotti Ballarte

Dignitas Jungler Lucas "Santorin" Larsen announced on his X account that he will be departing DIG and the LCS. He will also be closing out his professional League of Legends career as he moves to being a full-time streamer.

Santorin announced his departure a month after DIG was eliminated from Worlds contention.

Reasons for Leaving

In his X post, Santorin talks about his journey through his career and shouts out Marcus "Dyrus" Hill who was his role model. He goes on to state that while he enjoyed his video game career, he does miss and regret being apart from his family after 9 years. Santorin goes on to state that recently he has been valuing family more over his LoL career and that now he does not believe he can give a tournament his all.

It is common for pro players to sacrifice family, friends, and partners due to the stress and pressure to practice and perform in large tournaments. It is important to note that this eventually takes its toll on even the greatest of players as well.

Many players, casters, and esports organizations wished him farewell on his X replies. Santorin stated at the very end that he will be moving on to being a full time streamer. Whether he will continue to play LoL or he will move on to other games is to be determined.

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