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Dota 2 Leaks : Patch 7.33 Release Date and Details

Dota 2 Leaks : Patch 7.33 Release Date and Details

Dota 2
14 Apr
Harrison Htet

Dota 2 Patch 7.33 has been eluding players for some time now. Players first thought Patch 7.33 would come along with Muerta, but their expectations met with disappointment. However, along with Muerta came some brief information about the patch. Even though the precise date is still blurry, Valve announced that Patch 7.33 would come at the end of April.

The Leaks 

However, recently the manager of Team Secret, Cyborgmatt, came across “leaked communications” from teams that are to compete in the upcoming Berlin Major. According to him and the leaks, the long highly-anticipated wait for Patch 7.33 could be over. The sources he obtained stated that Patch 7.33 will be dropping on April 20th! Which is next week Thursday, right before the start of The Berlin Major. The rumoured patch release date also aligns perfectly with what Valve previously stated  in their official blog post.

In a message Cybrogmatt received, it states the patch will be SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER compared to a normal patch update. The significantly larger update could indicate what players have been hoping for, such as Bloodstone rework, Nature Prophet nerfs, and DeathProphet nerfs. Also, Crystal Maiden nerfs can be expected in this patch update.

Odd Timing & Icefrog’s rumoured return

However, it is an odd time for patch update before the start of the Major. Patch updates are released after the Major for teams to adapt and test new strats before the big event. Players have been yearning for the patch update since the current patch has been in effect for nearly a year.

The patch could also indicate the rumoured return of Dota 2’s genius developer, who is only anonymously known as Icefrog. As with every patch update, map and economic changes will be in this patch which could introduce new farming patterns and different playstyles. New items, hero reworks, and neutral items can also be in the patch update. A new ranking system that is more precise can also come along with the patch update.

Team Spirit’s manager has also reportedly confirmed the rumours of the patch update’s release date. Team Spirit plans to set up a boot camp for The Berlin Major once it drops.

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