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Dota 2 Meta Recap Patch 7.38b PGL Wallachia Season 3

Dota 2 Meta Recap Patch 7.38b PGL Wallachia Season 3

Dota 2
17 Mar

PGL Wallachia season 3 has concluded and Team Liquid was crowned the winner. They showcased the best understanding of the Dota 2 meta, and used that to stay ahead of the competition.

Dota 2 patch 7.38b is still young, but already we can see trends start to set in. In this article we will make a deep dive into what the Dota 2 meta looks like at the highest level of competition.

Dota 2 Meta Recap for Patch 7.38b at PGL Wallachia Season 3

Everyone wants Night Stalker

Night Stalker Darkness Wailing set This guy got a lot of love from IceFrog recently. (Credit: Valve).

We've talked about how strong Night Stalker is this patch. He gives teams draft flexibility, strong lanes, and incredible vision for team fights. It's no surprise that the hero was contested 112 times, winning nearly 60% when he showed up.

Magnus takes second place, with 19 appearances and a whopping 88 bans. Like NS, he boasts an incredible 68% win rate. His facet enables him to speed up his farm to frightening levels, and you can always rely on Reverse Polarity to give you a chance to win the game, even when behind.

Dazzle and Jakiro were the most contested supports, with 100 and 93 picks and bans respectively. The two heroes made their way on this list very differently. Dazzle was mostly banned, with only 13 picks, while Jakiro was mostly picked, with only 28 bans. The two heroes have the exact same winrate of 54%. Both are strong laners who can bring a lot to the table late-game.

Monkey King reigns supreme in the Dota 2 patch 7.38b meta

monkey king Riptide Raider Good luck jumping around when hit by a Grenade. (Credit: Valve)

When listing the most successful heroes, we will pick the three best showcases with at least 5, 10, and 20 appearances. Heroes with less than five appearances don't provide enough data to make any conclusion.

At the top we have Monkey King, with 10 games on record and seven victories. The hero is remarkably active as a core, and like Night Stalker, comes with a built-in vision mechanic. He was mostly picked by lower ranking teams and still impresses with his game impact.

Two ladies are vying for the title of "Queen" this patch. Muerta and Phantom Assassin. Both have a 61% win rate with 41 and 33 appearances, respectively. Muerta's role as a support has been solidified and she is one of Liquid's favored supports. The new Aghanim's Shard is simply too powerful in team fights and might need a tune up in the next patch.

Phantom Assassin is a reliable carry with decent laning presence and late-game scaling. She can also get a Break if she needs it. This makes her ideal against strong passives like Dragon Knight, Abaddon, and Tidehunter.

Dude, can you pick a real hero?!

Pangolier continues his dominant run in the Dota 2 meta. Can you pick a real hero bro? (Credit: Valve)

Despite being nerfed several patches in a row, Pros always go back to Pango. It's not hard to see why. He is mobile, has good damage, builds useful items like Diffusal Blade and Basher. Despite having it all on paper, Pango only won 34% of his 23 games. Perhaps he should stay in 2023 where he belongs.

Clockwork is also looking real bad in the current Dota 2 patch 7.38b meta. He lost his farming ability without getting anything in return. He is among the best melee supports in the game, but that's only because most melee supports...suck.

Speaking of weak melee supports, Marci might be our biggest loser this patch. With 18 appearances and only three victories under her belt. Her issue is that she needs to much to function as a support, and has no value if the team falls behind. We're not fans of Marci and her 16% win rate says it all.

And that's it for the Dota 2 meta at PGL Wallachia Season 3. It'll be interesting to see if Valve releases an update soon or gives the current patch more time to breath.

READ MORE: The Best New Facets in Dota 2 patch 7.38

Featured Image Source: PGL

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