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Dota 2 Midlane: The Psychology and Impact Of A Midlaner

Dota 2 Midlane: The Psychology and Impact Of A Midlaner

Dota 2
25 Jul
Harrison Htet

Dota 2 is a game that relies heavily on the synergy of the roles on each team, whether it's a support Crystal Maiden or a midlane Templar Assassin. Each role plays a crucial impact on the team’s victory or demise in each match. With different approaches, farming priorities, and ideologies.

Today, let’s closely examine one of SEA players’ favorite roles in the game -  the Midlane.

Impact of The Midlane

Midlane is unlike any other lanes, which feature pesky supports to annoy the cores. The midlane only features two players. To win the midlane, a player has to outplay their opponent. To accomplish this feat, the player has to understand creep equilibrium and abuse it to their advantage. In-game mechanical skills and rune controls also play a crucial factor in winning the lane.

Midlaners usually control the tempo of the game for each team. Due to this, most midlaners heavily prioritize buying a Bottle, allowing them to sustain efficiently and reliably during the laning stage.

Losing mid would have dire consequences for the team. The midlane is the main entrance to the enemy team’s jungle. Losing the lane would mean the team would lose access to their jungle, which could hurt the team’s safelaner farm. Different kinds of midlaners have various impacts on the team.

Different Kinds Of Midlaners

Dota 2 midlane heroes either have wave-shoving abilities or can zone out and dominate the lane. Moreover, the midlane heroes can be sub-categories into three groups.

The Tempo Controllers 

Heroes like Ember Spirit and Puck usually rely heavily on the laning stage. Due to them being hard to catch, they have maximum efficiency in the match if they win the lane. Losing the laning stage could cost the team, as heroes will have a tough time getting back into the game. These heroes also come with wave-shoving abilities on top of being mobile, making it a nuisance for the opposing team.

Tempo-control midlaners usually rotate to enable their side lanes once they hit an item timing or a level spike. They are the strongest at the end of the laning stage and often tend to respond to enemy ganks or mirror them. In late-game skirmishes, they prey on opposing backliners to allow their carry to go up against the opposing core heroes.

The Semi Position 1 Midlaners

Heroes like Shadow Fiend, Invoker ( Exort, Quas), Templer Assassin, and Morphling often focus on dealing damage in the late-game. Their laning stage usually doesn’t matter as much as tempo-control midlaners. Thus, it this often rare to see these types of mids rotate.

Instead, they would often take the opposing laner's tower if they won the lane, creating more space for their safelaner to farm. Even if they don’t win their lane, they will just hit the neutral camps, showing up to favorable fights here and there to recover their game. Thus, these types of midlaners are known as Semi Position 1.

Cheese Midlaners

Heroes like Meepo, Huskar, Broodmother, and Lone Druid are known as cheese midlaners. They can easily win games if they have no counters. Thus, having the last-pick advantage in high-rank matches lowers the chances of them getting countered pick; Hence they are usually the last pick in the drafting stage.

Not only do they dominate their lane, but they also take objectives such as towers and Roshan effortlessly. These picks are usually high-risk, high-reward in Immortal pubs as players know how to play against them. However, they haunt low-level pubs as they ensure a free win.

Final Thoughts

There are many responsibilities of the midlaner. Enabling the team’s side lanes through ganks is one of its core duties, but believe it or not, it is not the only way for them to enable their side lanes cores. Moreover, it is more common in higher ranks for mids not to rotate the side lanes and instead ask for a support rotation to their mid-lane!

The crucial part of the mid-lane lies in heavily controlling the creep wave equilibrium to adjust the pace to their favour. Midlane heroes usually can push out the creep wave quickly or the ability to zone out the opposing midlaner from obtaining the last hits. In higher ranks, understanding these fundamentals plays a crucial role in winning the midlane.

There are certain professional players that players can watch nowadays to broaden their knowledge about this role. Team Liquid’s midlaner Michał "Nisha" Jankowski and Gaimin Gladiators’s midlaner Quinn "Quinn" Callahan are the current top players in this role. Players can easily climb the MMR ladder if they master the midlane, as it requires only individual skills and fundamentals of Dota 2.

Featured Image Source: Flickr

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