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The biggest changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.35c

The biggest changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.35c

Dota 2
22 Feb
Harrison Htet

It’s been two months since Valve has dropped patch 7.35b. At first glance, the patch update looks underwhelming, but fear not, it isn’t. The new patch features some noteworthy gameplay changes as well as item changes. Without further ado, let’s get started.


The Neutral Camps

Dota 2 Kobolds These guys are known are Kobolds and they are the weakest neutrals out there!
Image Source: Dota 2wiki

Upon opening the patch update, players will notice that the easy-neutral camps have undergone some changes. Specifically, the Kobold family (consisting of Kobold, Kobold Foreman, and Kobold Solider) have all received a base damage buff. Thus, now, players will find it easier to deny creep waves while pulling during the laning stage.

The Kobolds received a buff, but two other neutrals, Hill Troll Priest and Orge Bruiser, got slight nerfs. The Hill Troll Priest will no longer cast his healing ability when first attacked, and the Orge’s stun will not be cast when the hero is above 70% health. Hence, now it will be easier to stack the  camps while farming the neutrals, as the player will not have to wait for them to cast their spells.

The Item Changes

Mage Slayer Patch 7.35b Due to the buff it received, Mage Slayer was one of the strongest items at Patch 7.35b.
Credits: Valve

Mage Slayer, one of the most popular items in Patch 7.35b, received nerfs. The item cost increased, and its debuff duration decreased. However, the item can still be considered a viable choice as its spell damage reduction was untouched.

Diffusal Blade, the vital item in building Disperser, received an unnoticeable nerf. It will now cost 25 mana to users to use the item. Additionally, Disperser also got nerfed. Its overall cost increased by 400 gold, and the item’s active no longer has an AOE effect. Moreover, the item’s active ability will now always affect both the target and the user.

Alchemist Dota 2 This greedy guy could make a comeback in this meta because of Radiance buff.
(Credit: Valve)

Alchemist players can rejoice in this new Dota 2 patch, as Radiance got its first buff in Patch 7.35c. The item’s evasion bonus got increased to 20%. However, with the buffs also looms the threat of Alchemist midlane pickers ruining the match in low-level ranks.

Orchid Malevolence Dota 2 Orchid Malevolence has remained untouched since its Patch 7.35 update.
Image Source: Valve

Orchid Malevolence, one of the strongest items in the previous patch, also got its cost reduced in this patch. Although Bloodthorn (the upgraded version of Orchid) got its total cost reduced, its Soul Rend Extra damage also decreased.

The Neutrals Items 

Unwavering Condition Dota 2 Unwavering Condition is the newest neutral item introduced in Patch 7.35 and it's the favourite item of Heralds.
Image Source: Valve

The Neutral items received some slight changes in the new patch. Unwavering Condition received the most love among them. The item is the dearest for Herald players but is untouched by high-level players because it limits the maximum health of the hero using the item.

Thus, in this patch, Valve increases the max health to 1800. We could see some support players picking up this item because of this small change.

Safety Bubble, a favourite Tier 1 item of many players, received nerfs; its health regen bonus decreased, and cooldown increased.

Khanda Parasma are two new items in Dota 2 patch 7.35 Khanda is one of the new items introduced in Patch 7.35. The item quickly became a favourite because of the hybrid damage it offers.
Credits: Valve

Khanda gained a reputation in the previous patch because of the hybrid damage it gives to its users. While everyone and their family expect the item to get nerfed, Valve does the opposite. They buffed the item! In Patch 7.35c, the item empower spell damage was increased to 150.

Maelstrom Dota 2 Maelstrom got reworked in Patch 7.35 and remains untouched.
Credits: Valve

Maelstrom and Mjollnir, the favourite items of farming carries, remained untouched.  Gleipnir, one of the upgrade options for Maelstorm, got its total cost decreased.

Sange received a significant item buff recently. Its status resistance bonus has increased. Additionally, the cost of both Sange and Yasha has been reduced by 50 gold, which has led to a decrease in the prices of other items that require them as a component by 100 gold. Manta Style also got its price reduced by 50 gold.

How The Item Changes Can Affect Heroes

Axe, Dota 2 hero Axe, often known as Spin boy is an extremely good initiator against illusion heroes.
Credits: Valve

With the price decrease in Manta Style, we can expect more illusion heroes to make their way in this meta. Thus, the illusion counter-heroes such as Earth Shaker and Axe could also return to the meta.

Phantom Lancer Vengeance of the Sunwarrior Phantom Lancer has one the coolest voicelines in Dota 2, Such Simple Minds.
Credits: Valve

However, considering the slight nerfs to items like Diffusal and Disperser, it remains to be seen whether heroes such as Phantom Lancer will become meta-heroes.

Niga Siren sound of the depth. Naga Siren's ultimate made enemies go to sleep.
Credits: Valve

It is worth noting that some heroes, such as Naga Siren, may struggle to find their footing in the current meta. It is due to the recent slight nerfs to Orchid, which is a favoured item of Naga Siren. Similarly, Slark could struggle the most in this meta due to the nerfs to most of his core items. In addition, his second ability, Pounce, was also hit with a nerf.

Sven Dota 2 Sven is one of the most easy carries to play.
Credits: Valve

Sven could make its way back to meta. The hero is good against illusion heroes. Moreover, with the recent buff to his favourite item, Sange and Yasha, he could quickly become the favourite pub stomper.

Hero Changes

Dota 2 best support heroes - Witch Doctor No more Ohhh Yeahh as it got nerfed.
(Credit: Valve)

The new update, Patch 7.35c, also comes with some hero changes. The most noticeable one is the Witch Doctor’s ultimate, Death Ward. The ability no longer gives true strike.

Lion, Dota 2 Less sucky sucky from Lion is good.
Credits: Valve

Lion is one of the strongest support heroes in the previous due to his third ability, Mana Drain. Thus, it received tremendous nerfs in the patch. The ability’s slow bonus duration got decreased. Moreover, the Aghanim’s Shard upgrades for the ability also got nerfed.

Terrorblade Dota 2 Terrorblade is a favorite hero of many carry players.
Credits: Valve

Terrorblade could make a comeback in this patch because he got some buffs. His base strength got increased. In addition to this, his second ability, Reflection, received a cooldown decrease in this patch. These minor buffs could give the hero a good laning stage, which is when the hero is the weakest.

Overall Thoughts

DreamLeague Season 22 The line of the teams participating in DreamLeague Season 22.
Credits: Twitter.@ESLDota2

The newest Dota 2 patch update, 7.35c may not be the significant update that players were expecting. However, it could still have a notable impact on the meta leading up to DreamLeague Season 22.

Dota 2 Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit's Arcana is rumoured to be featured in the Crownfall update.
Credits: Valve

Players waiting for the new hero update must wait a bit longer. The upcoming Crownfall update is expected to include the new hero, Ringmaster.

Featured Image Source: Valve

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