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Dota 2 patch 7.36a Nerfs the Strongest Support Item

Dota 2 patch 7.36a Nerfs the Strongest Support Item

Dota 2
27 May

It's only been a few hours since DreamLeague Season 23 ended and we already have a gameplay update to Valve's biggest MOBA. Dota 2 patch 7.36a is here and will shake things up, especially for support players.

The latest patch nerfs arguably the best support item in the game, along with a much-awaited change to Eternal Shroud, and overall hero rebalancing.

The biggest changes in Dota 2 patch 7.36a

Force Staff no longer counters Leash

Slark Dota 2 Here fishy fishy. (Credits: Valve)

Force Staff is an amazing item that allows supports to push themselves or other heroes in the direction they are facing. It can be used to chase enemies or escape rough situations.

Dota 2 patch 7.36a nerfs Force Staff by preventing it from breaking Leashes. This is a big buff to Slark, Clockwork, and Nature's Prophet.

When facing these heroes (particularly the first two), Force Staff renders their Leash abilities useless, well that's not the case anymore.

It's important to note that players can use Hurricane Pike on enemies to push themselves while Leashed, but that's an expensive upgrade and doesn't work on allies.

This is a rough nerf but it only applies when facing a handful of heroes, so while devastating against Slark and Clockwork, it won't impact most matches.

Eternal Shroud lost 5% magic resistance

Timbersaw big winner in Dota 2 patch 7.35 Oh boy, someone in Falcons is unhappy. (Credit: Valve)

One of the largest complaints about the current "tank meta" is that heroes with strong armor abilities (Axe, Timbersaw), can buy Eternal Shroud and turn unkillable.

This has been the favorite tactic of Team Falcons, who will often pick up three strength cores, get multiple Eternal Shrouds, and then celebrate winning another tournament.

Seriously though, how long will that MENA squad continue to dominate the scene?

As for Eternal Shroud, losing 5% base resistance does add up. The item still provides an absurd amount of survivability but this is a step in the right direction.

Personally, I don't believe it is enough, a further nerf to the stacking bonus would have balanced out the item. As it stands, Eternal Shroud is still the best option to buy against magic-heavy lineups.

Significant hero rebalances

Stonehall Plate is the best Dota 2 Facet right now The biggest win discrepancy is between Legion Commander's Facets. (Credit: Valve).

As expected in every patch, the latest update nerfs the most overpowered heroes, while buffing others lagging.

In the nerfed corner we have Legion Commander, who no longer gains a 100% barrier when damaging heroes with Overwhelming Odds. That facet has been nerfed by half.

It's a needed change yet Stonehall Plate remains the best facet in the game, it's just not insanely broken in Dota 2 patch 7.36a.

Juggernaut also got nerfed in pretty much every aspect. Lower damage on his spells and a weaker Aghanim Scepter. It's somewhat deserved, as his win rate exploded after the last patch.

It's harder to judge which buff will push a hero into overpowered territory but if I had to pick one it would be Death Prophet.

Death Prophet is one of the biggest winners in Dota 2 patch 7.35 Spirit Collector is now an incredible facet. (Credit: Valve).

Spirit Collector becoming global means she has incredible power spikes each time she ultimates, assuming the team can get some kills.

It also makes kills made by allies in the laning stage more valuable, as she benefits from those now.

Overall my money is on Death Prophet to be one of the most successful heroes this patch, or at least to experience a huge win rate boost with Spirit Collector.

And that's all for our analysis of Dota 2 patch 7.36a. Let us know what you think in the comments down below.

READ MORE: The best Dota 2 Innate Abilities in patch 7.36

Featured Image Source: Valve 

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