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Dota 2 patch 7.37 Brings Back Iron Talon, Adds level Six Abilities!

Dota 2 patch 7.37 Brings Back Iron Talon, Adds level Six Abilities!

Dota 2
1 Aug

Dota 2 patch 7.37 is here and it is a beefy update to the game. The tooltips have been updated, Several Neutral items have been removed and some have returned, along with many hero changes.

Players will take a couple of weeks to recognize the impact of all these updates. In the meantime, we'll try to list the biggest changes in Dota 2 patch 7.37

The biggest changes in Dota 2 patch 7.37

The Dota 2 tooltip now displays what abilities can and cannot be broken

Dota 2 patch 7.37 breakable update. It all makes sense now! (Source: Valve).

The latest update now includes a "Breakable:Yes/no" line for all Innate abilities. This makes it much easier for players to decide if it's worth buying Silver Edge or not.

This change also coincides with more access to Break in General. Nyx Assassin's Break from his Aghanim Shard returns, along with a lower-level talent requirement for Shadow Shaman.

Aura items take a hit in the latest Dota 2 update

Underlord's spells are a lot easier to use now. This guy isn't happy about this. (Credit: Valve).

It's no secret that the last patch had strong Aura items, perhaps a tad too strong. IceFrog decided that enough was enough, and nerfed the biggest offenders.

Crimson Guard's active went from 2.5% of the user's max health to 2.2%, along with a longer cooldown. Guardian Greaves also had its cooldown nerfed, while Pipe of Insight lasts two seconds less and the aura is 2% less effective.

IceFrog is also pushing players to consider other items, such as buffing the health bonus on Pavise and making Solar Crest cheaper. It's a nice idea, but aura items are still incredible for teams that are snowballing ahead, and this update doesn't change that.

Dota 2 patch 7.37 brings back Iron Talon and Ironwood Tree

Dota 2 patch 7.37 brings back Iron Talon It's back, but is that a good thing?

Two Neutral items are back, while two are cycled out and significant changes are made to others.

Iron Talon, one of the most controversial items in Dota 2 history is back. It's a tier-2 item that provides 20 attack speed and four armor, along with an active that deals 80% of a non-hero's health in damage. Often seen as a great farming tool, Iron Talon was reviled for allowing players to jungle at level 1, often griefing the game in the process.

The new Iron Talon is only available at the 17-minute mark, and both the stats and active seems a bit lackluster for that stage. Time will tell how viable it will be this patch.

Ironwood Tree provides +5 to all stats and can be used to plant trees that skilled players can use to land certain abilities like Shackleshot, Timber Chain, and Bushwhack.

For existing items, Fairy's Trinket and Marty's Plate are removed, while Vambrace and Ogre Seal Totem get buffed and move one tier up.

A big change for support players is Philosopher's Stone. It now grants 750 gold and then gets destroyed, providing an additional 375 gold. This means supports won't have to pick whether to hold on to Philosopher's Stone or use tier three items, a welcome change.

Dota 2 patch 7.37 removes Torrent Storm, adds level six abilities

Kunkka Aghanim's Shard is very strong. The pig's steel ship is safe from cannonballs. (Credit: Valve)

There are simply too many hero changes in the latest update to write about, so instead we're gonna focus on the biggest ones that will shake up the meta.

Kunkka gets a fantastic new innate ability. Admiral's Rum reduces the damage the hero receives when under 65% health by 20% for 10 seconds, making him incredibly durable. It also works with his ultimate.

Speaking of ultimates, Ghostship is now upgradable with Aghanim's Scepter to add cannons to the ship that hit the enemies. This means Torrent Storm is gone now. We won't miss the water park that's for sure.

Lycan Dota 2 Banehallow It's a good time to pick up Lycan. (Credit: Valve)

Dota 2 patch 7.37 introduces a new mechanic, level six abilities. For now, only Lycan has access to it but it is a sign of things to come.

Alpha Wolves allows the hero to summon level-six wolves. They come with Hamstring and Hightail abilities, which both apply to the Aghanim's Shard wolf. This is not for free though, as Howl and Feral Impulse become only three-point abilities in return.

I like this change, as it allows players to focus on abilities that they think the hero should play around. I hope future updates include more facets like this.

Templar Assassin got an incredible Innate Ability in Third Eye, which tracks exactly when Roshan will respawn. This allows Templar and her team to always time their Roshan kills perfectly and not waste time.

The last thing we wish to highlight is Underlord's new Innate, Invading Force. A global buff to allies that reduces the damage they take and increases attack speed for five seconds after teleporting. The bonuses are doubled when traveling using Fiend's Gate.

Dota 2 patch 7.37 aims to balance the game after the massive changes introduced in the last patch. As usual, we expect several letter patches before The International begins to ensure the game is as ready as it can be for the biggest event of the year.

READ MORE: Valve Will No Longer Work on The International

Featured Image Source: Valve

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