Doublelift, Bjergsen, and Spica rumored to join 100 Thieves, says Travis Gafford
According to journalist Travis Gafford, 100 Thieves is the frontrunner for securing Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng, Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg, and Mingyi "Spica" Lu ahead of the 2023 season.
As of now, 100 Thieves (100T) has not officially locked in Doublelift, Bjergsen, or Spica for their starting roster. Of all the major players that could afford to sign such expensive talent in the three aforementioned players, 100T seems to have the highest likelihood in securing these players.
According to Travis Gafford in the video below: "There's a couple other teams that are in the running for this, but not major teams, I have not heard for instance TL, TSM, or C9 make a play for these guys." Just before this quote, Gafford mentions that Evil Geniuses (EG) are another player in this deal, but "100T looks to be in the lead," says Gafford in regards to teams looking to sign Doublelift, Bjergsen, and Spica.
While moves from 100T or any other organization is not confirmed in any sense, the mounting conversation on Doublelift's return, combined with a teasing tweet from Spica: signs point to this return being probable, assuming the internal processes of signing these three players are fully completed under 100T.
In a broader sense, Doublelift returning to the professional stage would provide a surge in viewership for the LCS. As of recently, the LCS has been down-trending in viewership, and the return of North America's biggest brand (along with Bjergsen being another colossal brand) will undoubtedly increase viewership for the main broadcast, as well as the content made by proxy.
Any organization that picks up these three players will undoubtedly have an increase in their viewership on their YouTube channel, too. When LS joined Cloud 9 (C9) earlier this year, Cloud 9's official YouTube page saw a hike in viewership, followed by a subsequent drop in viewership once LS departed.
Not to say introducing any of these highly-valuable branding personalities like Doublelift or LS perfects or even improves the content full stop, but these major personalities bring their viewership along with whichever organization they join. The same will happen with Doublelift, Bjergsen, and Spica no matter the organization they join.
Image source provided by Travis Gafford and @Spicalol