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Entity reveals Gabbi as their New Offlaner

Entity reveals Gabbi as their New Offlaner

Dota 2
12 Jul
Harrison Htet

The Riyadh Masters is around the corner. As teams have locked their rosters in an attempt to take their chance at a 15 million USD prize pool tournament, Entity has revealed their newest addition to the team.

Entity recently announced that they had parted ways with their offlaner, Tobias "Tobi" Buchner, which shook everyone. Now, the team revealed that they have signed Kim "Gabbi" Santos, a former safelaner from the South East Asia region who last played for Fnatic, the disbanded team. Gabbi has been missing in the professional Dota scene after the disbandment of Fnatic. In Entity, Gabbi will play the offlane role instead of his usual safelane role as Entity already have a safelaner, Alimzhan “Watson” Islambekov.

Gabbi’s New Role

It may come as a surprise that Entity had recruited Gabbi as their new offlaner. The player is renowned in the SEA region for his exceptional skills as a safelaner. However, it is very common for players to switch to a new role while changing teams. It shows the player is versatile and has a large hero pool. OG had once two midlaners during their 2020-2021 DPC Season. Recently, BetBoom Team had even switched roles among their players to show the players’ versatility.

During his peak, Gabbi has helped his former team, TNC Predator, secure multiple top-seed finishes in LANs and multiple Major championships titles. Joining Entity will be Gabbi’s first time outside of his SEA servers. Gabbi has never played outside of the SEA region. It will be interesting to see what he will bring to Entiy and how well he can perform on WEU servers.

Entity’s Promising yet not Promising Results

Entity had a marvellous 2021-2022 DPC season for its debut, even securing a 9th- 12th finish at The International 2022. However, despite its successful debut, the team failed to keep their momentum in the 2022-2023 DPC Season. They had only been to one LAN this season. After The Lima Major, the team started struggling. They barely managed enough to hold onto their Divison I slot, winning the tiebreakers series in both the Spring and Summer Tour.

Moreover, the team’s record for the ESL Pro League is not fantastic either. They were the first team to get eliminated from the group stages in DreamLeague Season 19 and DreamLeague Season 20. The team will have to fight through the qualifiers for the Riyadh Masters 2023. Moreover, with The International 2023 qualifiers coming up, it will be a perfect opportunity for Gabbi to show what he brings to the table for Entity.

Featured Image Source: Twitter/@EntityEurope (Link)

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