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Everything You Need to Know About Briar in League of Legends

Everything You Need to Know About Briar in League of Legends

League of Legends
30 Jun
Aidan van Vuuren

Briar, the newest addition to League of Legends, brings a unique blend of chaos, control, and vampiric frenzy to the Summoner's Rift. Originating from Noxus, she is a product of hemomancy, a dark art of blood magic practiced by the Black Rose. Created as a living weapon, Briar's existence is fueled by her insatiable thirst for blood, which plays a crucial role in her gameplay and abilities.  Explore our detailed guide on Briar, League of Legends' newest vampire champion. Learn about her abilities, strategies, and gameplay tips.

Briar's Origins and Background

Briar's creation was driven by the Black Rose's desire to craft a powerful weapon through hemomancy. Unlike traditional Noxian champions who rely on brute strength or cunning tactics, Briar embodies the raw, uncontrollable power of blood magic. Her existence is a constant struggle between maintaining control and succumbing to her primal instincts. This duality is reflected in her abilities, where she oscillates between calculated aggression and frenzied attacks.

Briar's story is one of transformation and hunger. Created as a living weapon, she needs to drink blood to sustain her strength. Unlike traditional vampires who sip blood with elegance, Briar is more akin to the terrifying blood-hunters of Eastern European folklore, ravaging entire villages when in need of sustenance. This insatiable thirst is a key aspect of her gameplay and lore.

Abilities Rundown

Passive – Crimson Curse

Briar's passive, Crimson Curse, increases her healing based on missing health. Her attacks and abilities apply a bleed effect, dealing physical damage over time and healing her for a percentage of the damage dealt. Notably, Briar has no base health regeneration, and her abilities cost health to cast, making careful management of her health crucial.

Q – Head Rush

Head Rush is a leap ability that stuns the target, deals physical damage, and reduces their armor. When cast on a minion or monster during Blood Frenzy, Briar stops prioritizing champions. This ability allows Briar to close the gap on enemies quickly and set up for further attacks.

W – Blood Frenzy/Snack Attack

Blood Frenzy sees Briar leaping to a location, entering a self-taunting state where she targets the nearest enemy, prioritizing champions. In this state, she gains increased attack and movement speed, dealing physical damage around her main target. Recasting the ability empowers her next attack, dealing significant damage and healing her based on the damage dealt. This ability embodies Briar's chaotic nature, forcing her into aggressive engagements.

E – Chilling Scream

Chilling Scream has two parts: a charge-up phase where Briar gains damage reduction and restores health, and a release phase where she unleashes a scream that deals damage based on charge time, slows enemies, and knocks them back if fully charged, stunning them upon collision with walls. This ability provides a defensive tool and crowd control, allowing Briar to manage fights more effectively.

R – Certain Death

Certain Death is Briar's ultimate ability, where she kicks a hemolith that flies towards the first champion hit, marking them as her prey. On landing, she deals significant physical damage to nearby enemies, causing them to flee. She then enters an empowered Blood Frenzy, relentlessly pursuing her marked target until one of them dies. During this state, Briar gains armor, magic resist, and additional movement speed.

Gameplay Strategies

Early Game

In the early game, focus on farming and managing Briar's health. Utilize her passive to sustain through minion kills and harass opponents with Head Rush. Avoid overextending, as Briar's abilities cost health and can leave her vulnerable if not used judiciously. Using Head Rush to secure last hits on minions can keep Briar healthy while preparing her for potential trades with the enemy.

Mid to Late Game

As the game progresses, Briar's role as a diver and berserker becomes more prominent. Use Blood Frenzy to initiate fights and target key enemies. Coordinate with your team to ensure you can capitalize on the chaos Briar creates. Chilling Scream can be used defensively to mitigate damage and control the battlefield, while Certain Death allows for decisive engagements against high-priority targets. Engaging with Blood Frenzy followed by Chilling Scream can scatter and isolate enemies, making them easier to pick off.

Tips for Mastery

Managing Frenzy: Briar's Blood Frenzy is a double-edged sword. While it provides significant offensive power, it also forces her into aggressive positions. Learn to time the recast to maximize damage and healing without overcommitting. For instance, activating Blood Frenzy at the right moment can secure a kill, but overextending without backup can lead to a quick demise.

Health Management: Without base health regeneration, Briar relies on dealing damage to sustain herself. Engage in fights where you can safely land multiple attacks and abilities to keep her health topped up. Using Chilling Scream's defensive phase to heal before diving back into the fight with Blood Frenzy can be a game-changer.

Target Selection: Use Certain Death wisely to isolate and eliminate key threats. The ability to cause nearby enemies to flee can turn the tide of battle, especially when targeting fragile or high-damage opponents. In a team fight, marking and pursuing the enemy ADC or mage can create an opening for your team to secure objectives or additional kills.

Visual and Voice Design

Briar's visual design reflects her chaotic and vampiric nature. The pillory she wears symbolizes her restraint and control over her frenzied state. Her voice lines, brought to life by Julie Nathanson, capture her duality – a mix of eagerness and bloodthirsty. The subtle details in her appearance, such as the blood-stained hair and full-moon eyes, enhance her character, making her both intriguing and terrifying.


Briar offers a unique and thrilling playstyle for those who enjoy high-risk, high-reward champions. Mastering her abilities and understanding her role on the battlefield can turn the tide of any match. Embrace the chaos and unleash Briar's full potential on the Summoner's Rift. Briar's dual nature requires players to be versatile and adaptive.

Whether she is diving into the heart of the enemy team or peeling back to protect her own carries, Briar's ability to switch between aggressive and defensive playstyles makes her a dynamic and impactful champion. By honing these skills and understanding the nuances of her abilities, players can unleash the full potential of Briar and dominate the battlefield.

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