Everything You Need to know About Crownfall Act III: The Frosts of Icewrack
Ladies and gentlemen, June 39th is finally here, and as promised, Valve has unlocked The Frosts of Icewrack. The latest update unlocks new treasures for players to hunt and a fun new mini-game and comic for everyone to enjoy.

What The Crownfall Update is about
The Crownfall update concerns the love story between Vengeful Spirit and Skywrath Mage. The story focuses on Shen's quest to retake her throne of The Eyrie. Queen Imperia, Shen's sister, staged a coup and booted her from the kingdom. With her wings torn from her, death seemed certain for Vengeful Spirit.
However, fate had other plans as it introduced her to their god, Scree'Auk. Now, with the help of her lover, Dragnous (Skywrath Mage), and their god, Shendelzare sets her goal for vengeance. However, to lead a successful revolt against the army of The Eyrie, Shen needs the help of The Kazurai, a secret army hiding with plans to overthrow Queen Imperia.

The Road So Far
Two leaders lead The Kazurai, and after learning that the Queen wants to wipe them out, they split up. Each leader took a group of followers as they headed in different directions. Skywrath Mage was able to track one down, Kraw. Unfortunately, he was hurt and poisoned in The Battle of Hell's Basin. Thus, Dragonus took on the quest of finding a cure for his poison, which he succeeded in doing. He also made some friends along the way. While Sky was triumphant in his quest, Kraw needed to take some time for his recovery.

Thus, Dragnous decided to journey for the battle of Skywrath by himself. However, he was not alone – his quest to find the cure for Kraw's poison earned him the good graces of Sorla Khan, the leader of the Oglodi army. To show her gratitude for Sky's help, Sorla aids Dragnous with the power of two thousand Oglodi soldiers by his side in the battle for Skywrath.

What The Frosts of Icewrack Is About
With the same goal in mind, Shen and Scree'Auk travel to Frostreach, the northernmost port city on the edge of the world, looking for the other leader of The Kazurai, Kestrel.

There, in a tavern, Shen learned that Kestrel had traveled north to defend Snowcap Lake, a mountain village in the north, against a dragon. The following morning, Vengeful Spirit and Baskeet embark on a journey to find him.

In the third act, players will accompany Shendelzare on her journey to find the other leader of The Kazurai. Much like Crownfall's previous update, The Frosts of Icewrack came with a new map for players to explore. Similar to the maps before, players must collect tokens to unlock various parts of the map. This time, the tokens represent the natural elements and the clothing choices of the heroes.

Much like the maps before, two side quests are behind a paywall in the third act. Players can unlock them by purchasing the Icewreck Pathfinder pack in the Crownfall store. The first Crownfall Act is The Lost Ziggurat. It contains two rewards for the players; the first consists of Crownfall Treasure I, four Crownfall Store coins, and five MMR Double Down tokens, and the second consists of Crownfall Treasure II and some emoticons along with various rewards.
The second side quest is The Call of Ugnattu. It also contains two rewards: the first is Immortal Treasure III, and the second is Solitude of Winter Squall, a stunning immortal skin for Winter Wyvern, and an emoticon along with various rewards.
New Mini Games

Some new mini-game modes are introduced in the third act. However, the talk of the town is Sleet Fighter II: Immortal Combat. It's a Street Fighter-like 2D fighting game featured in the update. It features five Dota 2 heroes, each with their own movesets. The game is free to play, supports the use of a controller, and can be played in fullscreen mode.
There's also Dragon Chess, and for occasional chess players and Dota Chess enjoyers, this game mode could also be intriguing for them.
The Rewards
The Frosts of Icewrack update comes with some awesome rewards for players to earn. After completing the main quest, players will receive Fascinations of Flight, a Void Spirit mythical skin, and some emoticons. The following consists of a comprehensive set of rewards included in Crownfall Act III:
- Crownfall Treasure I, II, III
- Crownfall Store Coins
- MMR Double Down Tokens
- Emoticons
- Seasonal Sprays
- Crownfall Act III Loading Screen Treasure
- Solitude of Winter Squall (Winter Wyvern's Immortal Skin)
- Fascinations of Flight (Void Spirit's Mythical Skin)
- Crownfall Act III Completionist Medal

Sadly, today's update did not include the promised new hero, Ringmaster, which Valve announced would join the roster back at The International 2023. It's been nearly a year since Ringmaster was introduced to us at The International 2023. Muerta is the newest Dota 2 hero, and it has been over a year since she first joined the game. Many players thought the new hero would join Dota 2 in this update, but it seems that Valve needs more time to put the finishing touches on him.
On a positive note, players will now have more time to earn a few goodies since the Crownfall event has been extended. They can also use this time to increase their MMR higher than they might have thought possible with MMR Double Tokens. With The Frosts of Icewrack update, there is only one Crownfall update left – The Spires of Skywrath, which is the climax event of the series.
Featured Image Source: Valve
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