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[EXCLUSIVE] “We couldn’t show our potential” MIBR mazin on exhaustion through Kickoff Play-Ins

[EXCLUSIVE] “We couldn’t show our potential” MIBR mazin on exhaustion through Kickoff Play-Ins

1 Mar
Foo Zen-Wen

Strafe Esports received the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with MIBR IGL Matheus “mazin” Araújo after their series against Sentinels and G2 Esports in the Kickoff Play-ins.

MIBR: A Strong Kickoff Showing

To kick off the year, MIBR has already shown massive improvements in form compared to 2023. Not only impressing many, MIBR was also one of the three that secured Play-ins, having to face Sentinels and G2 Esports in double Bo3s. The top performer from this portion earns the final spot in Playoffs.

“It still wasn’t enough time”

[Interviewer] Hi Mazin, I’m sure you’re exhausted so I’ll try to keep this short. First of all, how are you doing? How’s the team doing after playing all those series?

We are tired. We had a not very good start to the day. But we were able to reset and do a better game in the second series.

It’s been a long day. We woke up really early, we had these two games. So, we are very tired. Everyone’s tired.

[Interviewer] Of course, very understandable. This is the first time you’re playing this version of G2 and Sentinels. You’ve seen their games obviously but playing them yourselves is a different experience. How was the preparation, what was the focus on heading into Play-Ins? Knowing that you would be playing against these two teams?

Since we already knew that we would have to face Cloud9, we practiced with them in mind. And as the game was yesterday, we didn’t have a lot of time to work on Sentinels and G2. So, we didn’t have a lot of time to play around.

[Interviewer] Speaking of the rematch against Cloud9, this time the result went really into your favor. What was the mood like coming into Play-Ins? You guys must have been pretty energetic. You’ve just beaten Cloud9, now you’re in Play-Ins […] how was the mood like for the team?

Since we won yesterday against Cloud9, we were very confident this morning. But then we started our game against Sentinels, and that was a little frustrating – because we couldn’t show our potential. So, that was a big hit on us.

[Interviewer] Do you feel it was the sort of rushed format that added to the frustration? That you didn’t have the time, as you said, to prepare especially against Sentinels and G2?

Yeah, I think the format definitely adds a little bit to the frustration. As we didn’t have a whole day between the series. Yesterday we didn’t have time to practice a lot, but we still tried working on a few things. It still wasn’t enough time to be well-prepared for the game today.

[Interviewer] Also as you said, Split wasn’t the best start for you guys. What were the talks that you guys gave to each other to bring yourselves back into the series?

We just agreed that Sentinels played a really good game. They were playing really well on the first map; so, it was more about them playing well than us playing bad. So, we had this idea with us that they did a great job and that we just needed to focus on doing our best on the second map.

Not an IGL born, but forged

Assuming the helm of a new roster, mazin had some words to say on his captainship over his new teammates.

“I really didn’t want it in the beginning […] I could be a model for other IGLs in other teams”

[Interviewer] Originally you were also on Furia. And then you transitioned over to MIBR this year. Shotcalling a new roster now. Have there been any challenges in the transition between rosters? Picking up the IGL role on this team.

I think one of the biggest challenges was that I never played with any of the boys before. So, everyone was new for me. Even though last year was my first year as an IGL, for Furia, I had been playing for Furia for a while. So, coming here I think, was one of the biggest challenges – just adapting to the new players.

[Interviewer] You mentioned last year was your first year as an IGL. Was this a role that you leaned towards, that you had the idea that you would like to play as an IGL? Or was this something that naturally came over time? Did you develop into an IGL?

It was more of a decision. Last year when Furia was changing a lot, having changes in the franchise, Carlão, my former coach at Furia, was really thinking that I could do this role as an IGL.

He said that I have a good leadership style. I really didn’t want it in the beginning, but then I realized that it was actually good.

Because we don’t really have a lot of IGLs in Brazil. So, that could be the beginning, I could be a model for other IGLs in other teams.

[Interviewer] I see! I also wanted to ask about jzz. He had a pretty incredible series in the second one, against G2. And I saw that MIBR was his first roster that he’s played in VALORANT. How has it been like playing with him? Because he seems to already have a pretty massive agent pool considering he’s only recently started playing professional.

He is a very good player. I think he has a lot of potential and he’s getting better. In this team, he’s one of the people who has evolved the most. And when he is really confident, he shows off his full potential, like he did today. So, we are really helping him to become this player who he can be.

A New Challenger in Americas?

VCT Americas has shown significant growth over the off-season. And that is statement in itself, considering how strong some of their teams were already last year. The consolidation of talents in a new slew of teams has resulted in the most competitive season in Americas to date.

“I see all these changes have been very good for all of the teams”

[Interviewer] Also what do you think about the current level of competition in VCT Americas? It looks like a lot of teams are looking extremely competitive and you can’t really tell how each series will play out. What do you personally think about the level of all of the teams here?

I think last year, the VCT was a really well-balanced league. I think this year is even more. We see a lot of games where we cannot really say who is the favorite to win that game. The games are feeling very balanced.

And with all of the reformulation, the changes the teams made, I see all these changes have been very good for all of the teams. I think every team, what they changed, really worked. So, I think we have […] we’re still going to see a lot of balance throughout the year.

[Interviewer] Final question, regardless of whether or not you qualify for Playoffs. What are your expectations for the year? The overall goals for MIBR. What are you guys aiming for?

Our biggest goal for this year is to be at Champions, at the end of the season. Of course, we want to qualify for Masters and all that. But I think the biggest goal is really being there at Champions.

[Interviewer] Thank you so much mazin, I won’t keep you any longer. Best of luck with your season.


MIBR have been eliminated from VCT Americas Kickoff based on round differential rules.

Follow the VCT 2024 action on Strafe.

For more information on the VCT Americas Kickoff, check out Strafe Esports' piece on the Format, Schedule, Teams and more.

As an additional bonus, you can catch the VOD for the interview on our new YouTube channel.

Credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

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