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Exploring League of Legends Arena: How It Works

Exploring League of Legends Arena: How It Works

League of Legends
1 Jul
Aidan van Vuuren

Introduction to League of Legends Arena

League of Legends Arena is a Featured Game Mode where players battle in teams of two against other duos until only one team remains. This unique mode offers dynamic gameplay with varying battlefields and powerful augments. First launched in patch V13.14 during the Soul Fighter 2023 event, the mode has seen several updates, each introducing new mechanics and features.

Launch History and Updates

Initial Launch and Soul Fighter Event

The Arena mode debuted on July 20th, 2023, as part of the Soul Fighter 2023 event. Running until August 28th, 2023, this launch introduced players to the core mechanics of Arena, including the eight-team 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 format and the Rings of Wrath battlefields.

Second Launch and New Mechanics

Arena was re-enabled on December 7th, 2023, with patch V13.24, bringing 60 new augments and additional system changes. This iteration ran until January 8th, 2024, enhancing the strategic depth and replayability of the mode.

Third Launch and Major Updates

On May 1st, 2024, patch V14.9 marked the third launch, doubling the team size from four to eight teams and introducing new features such as anvils, Prismatic items, and The Koi Pond battlefield. This version will be available until September 10th, 2024.

Gameplay Features

Queueing System

Players with a rating of 8,100 or higher can queue with one other player, provided their ratings are within 1,000 of each other. The maximum party size for matchmade games is eight players. Private games allow up to 16 players but are unrated and have no rating restrictions.

Champion Selection

The draft type is a 16-blind-ban blind pick series. The selection process includes a Pick Intent Phase, Ban Phase, Pick Phase, and Finalization Phase. Each phase is designed to streamline champion selection and ensure strategic diversity.

Runes and Summoner Spells

Runes are disabled in Arena, but some keystone runes are available through augments. Flash occupies one summoner spell slot, while Flee occupies the other. Flee can be swapped with unique spells from augments, and Flash has a unique cooldown system.

Trinkets and Gameplay Mechanics

The trinket slot is occupied by Arcane Sweeper, which reveals traps and grants vision. Key gameplay elements include Power Flowers, Blast Cones, the Ring of Fire, and Hex-gates, each adding strategic layers to the combat.

Power Flowers

Power Flowers spawn on the map, providing health, shields, mana, and ability cooldown reductions. They have multiple spawn locations, varying by battlefield.

Blast Cones

Blast Cones are scattered across the battlefield and can be attacked to knock away nearby units. On the Koi Pond map, these cones are mutated and have unique properties.

The Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire is a damaging area that closes in from the edge of the battlefield, forcing players to move towards the center. It deals increasing true damage and inflicts grievous wounds on those caught outside.


Hex-gates allow champions to warp across the battlefield, becoming untargetable during the dash. This mechanic offers strategic mobility options.

Champion Adjustments

Champions in Arena have no attack speed cap and gain bonus stats based on critical strike chance. Additional buffs include movement speed, tenacity, slow resist, and mana or energy regeneration. A unique buff, Combo Breaker, prevents champions from being immobilized for extended periods.

Game Structure

Rounds and Phases

The game consists of rounds until the last team stands. Each round includes two main phases: the Shop Phase and the Combat Phase.

Shop Phase

The Shop Phase begins at the start of the game and occurs before each combat round. This phase lasts for 45 seconds and takes place at the spawn points of each team. During this phase, players have the opportunity to purchase items, select augments, and hit a target dummy while they wait. The target dummy's health, armor, and magic resistance scale with each round, providing a consistent way to test damage.

In this phase, each team's zone is separated by impassable borders, ensuring that players cannot interfere with each other. Champions are invulnerable and untargetable during this time, allowing for safe preparation. All champions' states are fully reset at the start of the Shop Phase, refreshing cooldowns, restoring health and resources to maximum, and removing any lingering buffs or debuffs.

Combat Phase

The Combat Phase begins after the Shop Phase ends. Champions engage in battles on various maps with unique layouts and strategic elements. Each battlefield features different numbers of Power Flowers, Blast Cones, and sometimes the Ring of Fire, which gradually closes in to force combat towards the center. The combat continues until one team is left standing. At the end of each Combat Phase, teams that lose take damage to their Team Health.

Team Health and High Stakes Rounds

Each team starts with a maximum of 100 Team Health. When a team loses a Combat Round, their Team Health decreases. The amount of damage taken increases by 10 every four rounds, with a significant jump to 20 damage at round 9. This escalating damage system ensures that the stakes rise as the game progresses.

High Stakes rounds occur every four rounds, specifically on rounds 5, 9, and 13. These rounds are critical as winning them provides significant advantages. Teams that win a High Stakes round gain 15 Team Health and receive a Lucky Dice, which grants an additional reroll for augment and anvil selection. This mechanic incentivizes players to strategize carefully and aim for victory during these pivotal rounds.

Matchups and HUD Elements

Matchups in Arena mode are determined through a random round-robin bracket system. This ensures that no team battles the same opponent twice until they have faced all other teams. As teams get eliminated, the order of matchups may change. If there is an uneven number of alive teams, a random team will earn a bye from the Combat Phase. If the bye occurs during a High Stakes round, the team granted the bye will still receive the Team Health bonus as if they had won the round.

The Arena HUD (Heads-Up Display) features several special elements designed to enhance player experience:

Scoreboard Layout

  • The scoreboard includes team names and logos at the top.
  • Champions are displayed alongside their skin art, items, and augments in the middle.
  • The round track at the bottom shows round outcomes for each team.

Game Information

  • The Game tab at the top of the screen includes details on maps, Team Health loss for defeat, High Stakes round information, countdowns for round and match phases, and the alive status of each champion.

Team Information

  • The Team tab on the right side of the screen shows Team Health, Team Logos, and champion information.

Shop Phase Indicators

  • During the Shop Phase, the health indicator shows a check mark or a cross mark to indicate the winners and losers of the last Combat Phase.
  • Champions that died in the last phase are greyed out.
  • The kill feed of all teams appears during this time.

Augments Tab

  • Replaces the runes tab in the champion HUD, displaying current augments with tooltips for detailed information.

Shop Phase

The Shop Phase is a crucial part of each round, allowing players to make strategic decisions about items and augments. Players can select augments that provide various bonuses and abilities, enhancing their champions' performance in combat. Additionally, players can use the shop to purchase items that suit their strategy and counter their opponents. This phase ensures that players are well-prepared for the upcoming battles, making it a key aspect of the Arena game mode.

By understanding and mastering the intricacies of the rounds, phases, and strategic elements in Arena, players can enhance their gameplay and increase their chances of emerging victorious.


League of Legends Arena offers a fresh and engaging gameplay experience with its unique mechanics and strategic depth. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the mode, understanding the intricacies of Arena will help you dominate the battlefield and emerge victorious.

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