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Five reasons Legion Commander is amazing for grinding MMR

Five reasons Legion Commander is amazing for grinding MMR

Dota 2
30 May

Legion Commander has emerged as one of the best offlaners in Dota 2 patch 7.36a.  She went from a sub-50 % win rate in 7.35 to 57% when Facets were introduced.

Even after the nerfs she received in Dota 2 patch 7.36a, Tresdin the Legion Commander remains one of the best offlaners for grinding MMR.

But what makes the hero so strong? why is she suddenly viable? and was Tresdin really a man before?

We will look into all that and more in this article, so let's dive in.

Five reasons Legion Commander is amazing for grinding MMR

Stonehall Plate is the best Dota 2 Facet right now The biggest win discrepancy is between Legion Commander's Facets. (Credit: Valve).

Stonehall Plate is an incredible facet

Let's start with the obvious reason Legion Commander is amazing right now and that's Stonehall Plate facet.

Stonehall Plate provides an all-damage barrier to Tresdin equal to 50% of the damage she dealt to enemy heroes with Overwhelming Odds. It's not that high in the laning stage but quickly adds up.

Hitting three enemy heroes awards a 585 shield, that goes up to 720 with the level 15 talent. That's a hell of a lot of extra durability and with a 16-second cooldown, easy to get multiple times in a fight.

Whether it's trading hits in the laning stage or jumping into a huge teamfight, Stonehall Plate turns Legion Commander into an unkillable tank and one of the reasons she's worth mastering.

Duel provides infinite scaling

Tresdin can scale to infinity and beyond!. Tresdin can scale to infinity and beyond! (Credit: Valve).

Stonehall Plate gives LC a huge amount of survivability, but can we also get free damage from her abilities?

Well sure you can, if you're playing Legion Commander in 7.36a, you deserve only the best in life.

Duel allows the hero to get permanent damage from every kill and plenty of it. With 10/20/30 damage per Duel victory, Legion Commander can skip buying damage items entirely.

Duel secures the hero's late-game potential, and allows you to focus on buying the items that suit you best.

Need some debuff immunity? get that Black King Bar. Enemies too mobile? you earned that Harpoon. The sky's the limit baby.

With Duel, you're scaling well into the late game while shutting down the enemy squad. This makes Legion an incredible hero for winning games by yourself.

Legion Commander has a modest shopping list

Legion Commander is perfect for grinding MMR You don't need to break the bank to make her happy. (Credit: Valve).

So with Tresdin, you have an amazing defensive ability and infinite scaling, how about a cheap and highly effective shopping list to go with it?

Hello Blink Dagger and Blade Mail, how are you two doing today?

After buying Phase Boots, a Magic Wand, and a Bracer or two, Legion Commander only needs two items to be effective for the rest of the game.

The best part? their combined cost is 4350 gold. That's cheaper than a Hurricane Pike.

Blink allows Legion Commander to quickly jump on her target and land a Duel. Apart from a handful of enemies, most heroes can't last five seconds against Tresdin.

Sometimes you don't do enough damage though, and that's where Blade Mail comes in, turning the opponents right clicks against them.

Legion Commander is a great jungler, even without Iron Talon

Legion Commander Immortals Pride Set Don't worry guys, I'll just jungle 20 minutes then we win. (Credit: Valve).

Let's say by some miracle, despite having a built-in tanking ability, you have a bad laning stage.

Maybe you're tired, maybe it's a bad matchup, but most likely it's your "support" (animal) Pudge focusing on hooking jungle creeps. Either way, you can't lane, what do you do?

In such situations, you just pump a couple of points in Moment of Courage. It's super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Now you're a jungling machine, able to get the gold and experience you need from neutral creeps and rejoin the game once you have Duel ready. Tresdin isn't tied to her lane, so don't be afraid to head into the jungle in tough situations.

Press the attack provides incredible utility

Legion Commander has amazing support abilities She attac, but she also protecc. (Credit: Valve).

Despite being one of the strongest heroes in Dota 2, there are games where you're going to have to rely on your allies to win. It sucks, but that's Dota 2 for you.

In such situations, Legion Commander has one of the best support abilities in the game, Press the Attack.

You dispel allies and provide them with a ton of extra health regeneration and movement speed. It's a great way to save your carry to enable them to turn the tides of battle.

Press The Attack is great, but with the level 20 and 25 talent choices, it's downright broken. Imagine purging Reverse Polarity from all your allies at once.

Thanks to her great laning prowess, infinite scaling, and strong utility, Legion Commander is one of the best offlaners to grind MMR in Dota 2.

Oh, and we promised to show you Tresdin back when she was a man, click here to check them out in Dota 1.

READ MORE: The best Dota 2 Innate Abilities in patch 7.36a

Featured Image Source: Valve

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