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Five Reasons  Luna Dominates The Dota 2 Meta

Five Reasons Luna Dominates The Dota 2 Meta

Dota 2
1 May
Harrison Htet

The ESL One Birmingham 2024 tournament featured some fascinating drafts. One hero, in particular, has been a popular choice for the favorites and underdogs- Luna. It seems that players are drafting Luna not only in pubs but also in professional Dota 2 matches. And there's a good reason for that - she has become a reliable pick.

Dota 2 Luna Luna on my team will never come online. Credits: Valve

There's a reason why Selemene's devotee is a popular choice in this meta. Whether to dominate the game from the laning stage or to make a comeback in a losing match, Luna can make it happen. This article will explain why it's worth mastering Luna in Dota 2.

Lucent Beam Is A Good Harassing Spell

Luna Anime Dota 2 Luna in Dota 2 Anime, Dragon's Blood. Image Source: Netflix & Valve

During the laning stage, harassing the opponents plays a crucial part. It can often determine the outcome of a particular match. Harassing enables one side to zone out the other while denying them gold and experience.

Other safelaners lack this ability. But Luna can trade with the enemy supports and offlaners who came to her lane with Lucent Beam. Additionally, it is efficient to trade the opponents with this ability because it has a mini-stun, which allows Luna to get in one or two extra hits. During the laning stage, Lucent Beam can secure the range creep and catch the retreating opponents.

Moon Glaves is an Efficient Farming Ability

Dota 2 Luna You're toast if you let Luna hit her item timings. Credits: Valve

Farming is a pivotal job for a hard carry. It is one of the reasons why heroes like Anti-Mage and Phantom Assasin buy Battlefury. So they can farm faster and come online early. However, many range hard carries lack the privilege to get farming items. The only option they have available is Maelstrom.

Luna is an exception to this. The hero already came with her farming ability, Moon Glaves. The passive ability allows her to farm efficiently during and after the laning stage. With Moon Glaves, Luna can effortlessly push out creep waves to create pressure on the map.

Adding Manta Style will make this task easier, and Luna can gain additional farm while her illusions push out the lane. Additionally, the ability makes her opponents think twice about grouping up in skirmishes.

Aghanim's Shard Reduces Damage Taken

Armor of the Moonlit Thicket Loading Screen Luna on the oppon ent team, looking to style on my team. Credits: Valve

Many safelaners can be bursted instantly in Dota 2. However, Luna has a built-in advantage to this problem. When she has Aghanim's Shard, she can activate her Moon Glaves. Doing so, she will receive a 25% damage reduction. In addition to that, when her opponents collided with the activated Moon Glaves, they took 75% of Luna's attack damage.

Lunar Blessing is Free Damage 

Dota 2 Luna Who would not love this mentally unstable Selemene follower? Credits: Valve

Every safelane player's biggest fear is missing the last hits during the laning stage. Having additional damage will make last-hitting easier for upcoming players.

Fortunately, Luna has the right tools for the task. With her third ability, Lunar Blessing, providing free bonus damage to her allies, the laning stage becomes much easier. In the laning stage, it gives her hard-support-free additional damage, making it easier to win the laning stage.

Lunar Blessing also grants Luna bonus nighttime vision. During nighttime, Lunar Blessing became a global passive ability, granting her allies bonus damage.

The Hero Destroys Late Game

Luna Going up against Luna in late-game is like digging your own grave.
Credits: Valve

Luna is a hero who heavily relies on her items to have an impact on the game. That is why she is squishy during the early game. However, when Luna hits her crucial item timings, she becomes a formidable force. With Moon Glaives, she can easily take objectives and tear down her foes in a skirmish. Luna can win games with only one objective: farming. If she's not dealt with properly, the hero can easily win games with only one objective- farming.

Luna is a fun hero to play. She lanes well, farms stack, and push lanes efficiently. The opponents will always treat the hero like a ticking time bomb.

Luna is the best choice if you are looking for a hero to grind some MMR with before the next patch comes out.  Luna has a 53.13% win rate at the recent ESL One Birmingham 2024 and is the second-most-picked hero at the tournament.

Featured Image Source: Valve

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