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G2 Wins 2024 LEC Winter Playoffs: First Team to Qualify for MSI 2024

G2 Wins 2024 LEC Winter Playoffs: First Team to Qualify for MSI 2024

League of Legends
19 Feb
Foo Zen-Wen

What an incredible series to cap off the Winter season of LEC! Many expected G2 Esports to not only participate in the Grand Finals, but most likely also make off with the Winter Championship.

However, what many of those same viewers did not expect was that running opposite to G2 would be none other than MAD Lions KOI. The singularly most doubted and questioned team heading into the Winter Split, having replaced their veteran lineup with one composed almost entirely of ‘rookies’ from the ERLs.

Despite many stating G2/BDS might have been a better finals, MDK not only delivered on the night in question, but pushed G2 in a manner not many teams have been able to do this season. From draft to on the Rift, MDK was a worthy adversary for G2 to cap off their Winter Split victory.

As per the format, the winner of the Winter Split Playoffs earns an automatic spot to MSI, meaning G2 have already secured their first international tournament appearance. They are the first team to secure their MSI slot. Set to take place in Chengdu, China, this marks the second time MSI heads to China and the first time since 2016.

The GOAT of EMEA lifts his 11th LEC title. Credit: Michal Konkol/Riot Games

LEC Winter Playoffs Finals - How Did It All Go Down

After besting Team BDS all the way back on the 11th, G2 had a week to rest up and study their eventual opponent. A near flawless run (aside from a pesky point loss to Fnatic) saw G2 awaiting in the Grand Finals.

MDK for their part, were not having as smooth of a time. Despite a fairly even regular season, facing a first opponent in Fnatic in Playoffs, MDK were soundly clapped and sent to the Lowers.

However, slowly, and surely, MDK battled their way through the Lower Bracket, coming away with a total of 2 Bo3 wins (2-0s both) and 2 Bo5s (3-2s both). This led them on a tortured and brittle path up to Grand Finals stage, but they eventually made it.

In the finals, MDK showed a willingness and almost ferocity in their drafting that saw G2 pressed for answers at times even before landing on the Rift. A key Yasuo and Zac pick in Game 1 led to a fairly clean victory for MDK to start out the series.

Game 2 was extremely competitive with a returning Zac pick and Gnar introduced into the mix, but G2 walked away with the win to tie the series. However, by Games 3 and 4, G2 looked much more in the driver’s seat and their confidence showed more in their improved cohesion as they closed out the series against the would-be challengers and hoisted their 3rd LEC championship in 2 years.


Credit: Michal Konkol/Riot Games

Read More:

Official Response from Adam and Striker about Benching Situation.

LEC Winter Split Playoffs 2024 Grand Finals: G2 Esports vs MAD Lions KOI Preview and Prediction.

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