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Get Ahead of the Game: Master the Best Agents in Valorant

Get Ahead of the Game: Master the Best Agents in Valorant

15 Jun
Aidan van Vuuren

Valorant is a game that has taken the world by storm. It's a tactical first-person shooter that requires a great deal of skill and strategy to master. And if you're looking to dominate the competition, you'll need to learn from the best. In Valorant, the top agents are the key to success. Each agent has unique abilities and strengths that can give you the edge you need to win. But with so many agents to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why we've put together this guide to help you master the top agents in Valorant. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner just starting out, this guide will give you the knowledge and skills you need to get ahead of the game. So let's dive in and start mastering the top agents in Valorant!

Understanding Agents in Valorant

Before we get into the specifics of the top agents in Valorant, let's first take a look at what agents are and how they can impact your gameplay. Agents are the playable characters in Valorant, each with their own unique abilities and ultimate ability. There are currently 16 agents in the game, and each one falls into one of four categories: Duelist, Sentinel, Controller, and Initiator.

Duelists are the agents that are best suited for aggressive playstyles. Their abilities are focused on dealing damage and taking out enemies quickly. Sentinels, on the other hand, are more defensive agents. They are best suited for players who prefer to hold down areas and protect their team. Controllers are agents that are best suited for manipulating the battlefield. Their abilities allow them to control the flow of the game and create opportunities for their teammates. Finally, Initiators are agents that are best suited for setting up plays. Their abilities are focused on gathering information and creating openings for their team.

Understanding the different categories of agents is important because it can help you determine which agents are best suited for your playstyle. It's also important to note that some agents can fulfill multiple roles, so don't be afraid to experiment with different agents to find the one that works best for you.

Top Agents to Master in Valorant

Now that we have a better understanding of the different categories of agents, let's take a look at some of the top agents to master in Valorant. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other agents that can be just as effective when played correctly.


Jett is a Duelist agent that is best suited for players who prefer a highly mobile playstyle. Her abilities allow her to quickly move around the map and take out enemies from unexpected angles. Jett's ultimate ability, Blade Storm, allows her to equip throwing knives that deal massive damage and can be refreshed with each kill.


Sage is a Sentinel agent that is best suited for players who prefer a more defensive playstyle. Her abilities are focused on healing and reviving teammates, as well as creating barriers to block off areas. Sage's ultimate ability, Resurrection, allows her to bring a fallen teammate back to life.


Omen is a Controller agent that is best suited for players who prefer a more strategic playstyle. His abilities allow him to teleport around the map and create areas of darkness that obscure enemy vision. Omen's ultimate ability, From the Shadows, allows him to teleport to any point on the map and become temporarily invulnerable.


Brimstone is an Initiator agent that is best suited for players who prefer a more supportive playstyle. His abilities allow him to call in airstrikes and create areas of smoke that obscure enemy vision. Brimstone's ultimate ability, Orbital Strike, allows him to call in a massive laser beam that deals massive damage to enemies in its path.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Top Agents

Now that we've covered some of the top agents to master in Valorant, let's take a look at some tips and tricks for mastering these agents.

Master their abilities

This may seem obvious, but it's important to really understand the abilities of each agent you play. Each ability has its own unique use and can be combined with other abilities to create even more powerful effects.

Practice your aim

While abilities are important, it's also important to have good aim. Make sure to practice your aim regularly, whether it's in the game's shooting range or in actual matches.

Learn the maps

Knowing the maps in Valorant is crucial for success. Make sure to spend time exploring each map and learning the different angles and chokepoints.

Communicate with your team

Valorant is a team game, so make sure to communicate with your team regularly. Let them know what abilities you're using, where enemies are, and what your plan is.

The Importance of Team Composition in Valorant

While mastering individual agents is important, it's also important to consider team composition. A well-rounded team that includes agents from different categories can be much more effective than a team that is all one category.

For example, a team that includes a Duelist, a Sentinel, a Controller, and an Initiator can cover all the bases and create opportunities for each other. Make sure to communicate with your team and determine what agents will work best together.

Strategies for Playing Top Agents in Different Maps

Different maps in Valorant require different strategies and approaches. Here are some strategies for playing top agents in different maps:


Bind is a map that features a lot of narrow corridors and chokepoints. Agents that can create areas of smoke or block off areas with barriers can be particularly effective on this map. Brimstone and Sage are both good picks on Bind.


Haven is a map that features three separate bombsites, making it a bit more complex than other maps. Duelists like Jett and Phoenix can be effective on this map, as they can quickly move around and take out enemies at different bombsites.


Split is a map that features a lot of verticality, with several areas that require players to move up and down between levels. Agents that can teleport or create areas of darkness can be particularly effective on this map. Omen and Cypher are both good picks on Split.

Best Weapons to Use for Top Agents

While each agent has their own unique abilities, it's also important to consider the weapons you use. Here are some of the best weapons to use for top agents:


The Phantom is a versatile assault rifle that is effective at both close and medium ranges. It also has a silencer that makes it harder for enemies to locate you.


The Vandal is a high-damage assault rifle that is effective at longer ranges. It also has a higher rate of fire than the Phantom, making it a good choice for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle.


The Operator is a sniper rifle that is particularly effective on maps with long sightlines. It deals massive damage and can kill enemies with a single shot to the chest or head.

How to Counter Top Agents in Valorant

Knowing how to counter your opponents' agents is just as important as knowing how to use your own. Here are some tips for countering top agents in Valorant:


Jett's mobility can make her difficult to hit, but she is also vulnerable to being caught out of position. Try to predict where she will move and pre-aim those areas.


Sage's healing and reviving abilities can be frustrating to deal with, but they also make her a high-priority target. Focus on taking her out early in team fights.


Omen's abilities can create areas of darkness that obscure enemy vision, but he is vulnerable while casting them. Try to take him out while he is casting an ability.


Brimstone's airstrikes and smokes can create opportunities for his team, but they also make him vulnerable to flanking. Try to catch him off guard while he is casting an ability.

Practice Drills to Improve Your Gameplay with Top Agents

Finally, here are some practice drills you can use to improve your gameplay with top agents:

**Aim practice**

Spend time in the game's shooting range practicing your aim. Try to hit as many targets as possible in a set amount of time.

**Map knowledge**

Practice moving around each map and learning the different angles and chokepoints. Try to find new spots that you can use to your advantage.

**Ability practice**

Practice using each agent's abilities in a variety of situations. Try to come up with creative ways to use them that you may not have thought of before.


Mastering the top agents in Valorant takes time and practice, but with the right knowledge and skills, you can get ahead of the game. Understanding the different categories of agents, mastering their abilities, and practicing regularly are all key to success. Remember to communicate with your team, consider team composition, and adapt to different maps and situations. With these tips and tricks, you'll be on your way to dominating the competition in no time.

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