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Glory or Longevity? Bleed Esports new signing “sScary” speaks on the reason behind his choice.

Glory or Longevity? Bleed Esports new signing “sScary” speaks on the reason behind his choice.

1 Nov
Foo Zen-Wen

Two Roads Diverged…

The dissolution of the XERXIA roster came as a surprise to no one. With the skill and talent on that lineup, it was inevitable that they would be set aside during the APAC reshuffle. With the announcement from Riot for the 30 partner teams that would compete in their three leagues internationally, XERXIA would unfortunately number amongst those that did not. Of the lineup, star controller Nutchaphon “sScary” Matarat stood out for his gameplay and personality.

A conduit for their morale, he was a vital part of the roster that made all three international LANs in 2022. On the 16th of Oct, Bleed announced his signing to their roster. The news came as a surprise to many of his fans, as the talented player had been assumed to be a shoe in for a slot on the newly forming Talon Esports roster. A player that had previously expressed ambition for a Champions title, it was unexpected for him to take a spot on an Ascension League team instead.


It would mean battling through Open Qualifiers for a single coveted spot at the end of the Ascension Tournament. Even then, ascension would only mean rising to the international leagues with the other partner teams. There would be no guarantee of a spot at Champions.


Enough Money to Retire

In an exclusive interview, “sScary” spoke up after this signing, explaining his decision to sign with Bleed. He explained that the money and opportunity offered by Bleed, was one that he ultimately could not pass up. On his ambitions to win, he was frank, ‘I think if I’m still good enough and deserve to play in the franchise. Someday I will be able to play for sure.’

“sScary” would admit during another interview that he had been courting offers from at least five other teams. His talent was never in question, rather where he would go. In the interview, he mentioned that while other teams had offered substantial amounts, the amount that Bleed offered, was ‘enough for [sScary] and his family to retire.’

He would go on to say, that while not many outside esports or Valorant were impressed by his accomplishment, they were ‘stunned and impressed by how I earned.’


Taking the One Less Travelled...

For the life of any esports athlete, their career is most likely fleeting. The majority don’t see more than 5-6 years of play, with only the rare exceptional ones making it to a decade or past. Their time in the spotlight, for when they are truly in their prime, is even shorter most times.

For “sScary,” he acknowledged the finite time he has, and he has chosen to take a road to would lead to stability in the future. In the interview, he mentioned ‘after many years have passed, [the player] will just be a legend or something that everyone may forget.’ What matter instead to him, is ‘how much money I can earn as an athlete instead.’

He would speak on his goals as well; becoming a World Champion was a short-term goal. To make his family billionaires is his long-term one.

Riot's Challengers League, where Bleed Esports will compete will begin in January 2023.


Image credit: Lance Skundrich via Riot Games

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