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Guma's penta: LCK Week 4, Day 1 recap

Guma's penta: LCK Week 4, Day 1 recap

League of Legends
9 Feb
James Domizio

Liiv SANDBOX beat Kwangdong Freecs 2-1 and T1 triumphed 2-0 over BRION on Feb. 8, the first day of Week 4 of the 2023 League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) Spring Split at LOL Park in Seoul, South Korea.

Liiv SANDBOX vs. Kwangdong Freecs

Game 1: KDF wins

Kwangdong Freecs won Game 1 against Liiv SANDBOX in 37:29 by a 13-10 score. While LSB midlaner Lee "Clozer" Ju-hyeon's 4/2/2 Akali and botlaner Lee "Envyy" Myeong-joon's 4/2/4 Caitlyn performed well, KDF came on top due to botlaner Kim "Taeyoon" Tae-yoon's 6/3/4 score on Jhin and toplaner Lee "DuDu" Dong-ju's 3/1/1 Jax. KDF jungler Ko "YoungJae" Yeong-jae went 1/2/9 on Sejuani. LCK Player of the Game: KDF Youngjae, 2nd.

Game 2: LSB wins

Liiv SANDBOX tied up their series against KDF with an 11-6 win in 31:21. LSB jungler Kim "Willer" Jeong-hyeon's 1/1/8 Maokai and support Kim "Kael" Jin-hong's 0/0/10 Lux provided the utility; Clozer's 3/2/4 Azir and Envyy's 3/2/3 Caitlyn brought the damage; and toplaner Noh "Burdol" Tae-yoon brought a little bit of both with a massive 4/1/5 Jayce performance. This time, it was KDF midlaner Lee "BuLLDoG" Tae-young's turn to carry in a loss, as he found a 4/2/1 score on Akali. LCK Player of the Game: LSB Burdol, 1st

Game 3: LSB wins

Liiv SANDBOX won their series with a 31:43 Game 3 vs. Kwangdong in which they led 8-5 in kills, a lower kill total than the average LCK game. LSB Clozer earned Player of the Game honors for his 3/3/0 Azir play, while LSB's botlane of Envyy and Kael combined for a 3/0/9 KDA on Lucian and Nami. LCK Player of the Game: LSB Clozer, 5th

Strafe Player of the Series: LSB Clozer (10/7/6), 2nd

T1 vs. BRION

Game 1: T1 wins

T1 won Game 1 against BRION 12-9 in 32:57. T1 toplaner Choi "Zeus" Woo-je went 5/2/3 and controlled the game on Gnar along with jungler Mun "Oner" Hyeon-jun, whose 1/2/9 Sejuani performance earned the player another POTG. In the botlane, T1's Lee "Gumayusi" Min-hyeong and Ryu "Keria" Min-seok went 2/1/6 on Sivir and 2/1/5 on Ashe respectively. Despite BRO midlaner Kim "Karis" Hong-jo' 3/1/3 Azir, BRO only found one dragon and two towers. LCK Player of the Game: T1 Oner, 5th

Game 2: T1 wins

T1 earned a league-leading sixth series win with a 18-9 victory over BRION in 32:09 in Game 2. T1 Gumayusi took center stage with a pentakill -- graciously gifted to him by BRO toplaner Park "Morgan" Ru-han -- and a mammoth 12/2/4 KDA on Zeri. Gumayusi's kills largely came with the help of Keria's 2/1/16 Nami. On the top side of the map, T1 Oner's 1/2/11 Vi and Zeus' 1/1/7 Gragas kept the botlane safe. For the second straight game, BRO Karis played well in a loss, finding a 3/2/1 scoreline on Akali. LCK Player of the Game: T1 Keria, 5th

Strafe Player of the Series: T1 Gumayusi (14/3/10), 1st

Featured photos courtesy of the LCK/Riot Games.

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