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Has Muerta Changed The Meta in Dota 2?

Has Muerta Changed The Meta in Dota 2?

Dota 2
6 Apr
Radu Muresan

It’s been almost a month since Mureta was added to Dota 2 and now we can say with a bit more certainty that the hero has definitely changed the meta. Her impact can be felt by playing just several pubs. Someone is almost guaranteed to pick her. If you know how to play the hero, that person might even be you.

At the moment, Muerta is picked in more than 22% of all pub games, which is an enormous pick rate. This clearly shows that Dota 2 players consider her extremely useful. And for the most part, they succeed with her.

Muerta’s overall win rate is not that great, but that’s because the player base needed a few weeks to learn how the hero works. If we take just the last week into account, we can clearly see that the win rate has gone up significantly and is now approximately 51%.

Muerta Valve Corporation

The Strengths of Muerta

Muerta has many strengths that make her fun to play. She has a strong laning phase thanks to her attributes, which start from 19 – 22 – 24 and then increase by 2, 3, and 3.3 per level respectively. Very few heroes have such impressive stats at the early levels.

Muerta also has a lot of armor at level 1 (6.2) and high base damage. By the time you’re level 3, you are already very dangerous in lane and can easily get kills if your support plays well. But you don’t necessarily need to go to the safe lane. You can also play mid or even as position 3.

This is one of the strengths of the hero: she is very versatile. This allows teams to confuse the enemy by picking her early and then changing the strategy based on what gets picked by the other side.

Valve Corporation

Muerta thrives against heroes that are naturally tanky against physical damage or deal a lot of physical damage themselves. Thanks to her ultimate, which has a cooldown of just 45s at level 3, she deals a lot of magical damage and can receive no physical damage in return. This lasts for 8 seconds, which is more than enough to win a team fight.

Another powerful aspect of Muerta is that she has a lot of useful talents. At level 10, you’re already very tanky if you combine the +8 strength talent with other stats-giving items. Or you could go for a glass-cannon build and maximize your damage.

If you want to become a Muerta specialist, just watch some of Topias Topson Taavitsainen’s games. He has already mastered this hero and can teach you a lot about how to make the right moves.

Header: Valve Corporation

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