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Heroes that could get contested the most in The Lima Major

Heroes that could get contested the most in The Lima Major

Dota 2
18 Feb
Harrison Htet

Dota 2 is a game that relies heavily on team coordination and team synergy. It’s even fair for some to say that the game can be decided in the drafting stage.

Some heroes fall off, some gain buffs to consider them broken, and some heroes will always get picked regardless of the meta. In the right hands, every hero’s broken but in the wrong hands, every hero will be nerfed.

Some players are hoping for a patch update before The Lima Major as certain heroes have been dominating both pubs and the DPC scene regardless of the player who is playing the hero.


Lina is the hero that has been burning every enemy on her way in this meta. It is contested every single match, and although there are some counters to the hero most teams will just ban the hero. Lina can be played on both mid and safelane and the hero has a win rate of 53.94% in high-level pubs.


Rubick Dota

A good Rubick player makes the players on the opposing team think twice before using their spells. Rubick is mainly played as a position 5 but certain teams and players have been lately playing it as a position 4. The hero currently has a 28.41% pick rate and a win rate of 48.69%.


Tiny Dota

Regardless of the meta, Tiny always find his way into the game. The hero is flexible which means it can be played in every role however it is mainly played as a position 4 support. The hero has a 47.36% win rate currently.


This is a favourite position 5 hero for many teams as the hero offers a secure laning stage for the team’s hard carry and an advantage in team fights. Currently, the hero has a win rate of 52.94%.


Tusk Dota

Tusk is mainly played as a position 4 support however in the current meta, many teams played the hero is played as a midlaner. The hero provides a solid initiation and ganking. In the late game, it offers a solid pick-off potential with its armour reduction item build.  Tusk has a win rate of 48.92%.


Although most teams think twice in picking this hero, this hero is a direct counter to the meta-carry Lina. The current Ti champion has also showcased a build that made Spectre active at the early game. Currently, the hero 50.63% win rate.


Batrider is the hero that is contested frequently at high-level matches. The hero offers a solid laning stage and can be played either as an offlaner or a midlaner. The hero scales well into the late game as well. Currently, Batrider has a win rate of 51.98%.

Featured Image Source: 4D Esports

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