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Is Deadlock a good addition to Valorant?

Is Deadlock a good addition to Valorant?

27 Jun
Ganesh Jadhav

On Sunday, Fnatic lifted their second international trophy, and we got a glimpse of the upcoming Valorant agent before the match. Codenamed, Deadlock, the new agent, hails from Norway. The agent will be the fifth Sentinel to join the roster and will increase the agent tally of Valorant to 22. Deadlock is not a traditional sentinel but a different look on the role. Let's examine the agent's abilities and try to understand how we can play the agent.

Deadlock abilities:

GravNet (C):

EQUIP a GravNet grenade. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob the grenade underhand. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly.

Sonic Sensor (Q):

EQUIP a Sonic Sensor. FIRE to deploy. The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sounds. If footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected, it concusses that area.

Barrier Mesh (E):

EQUIP a Barrier Mesh disc. FIRE to throw forward. Upon landing, the disc generates barriers from the origin point that block character movement.

Annihilation (X):

EQUIP a Nanowire Accelerator. FIRE unleashes a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy contacted. The cocooned enemy is pulled along a nanowire path and will die if they reach the end unless they are freed. The nanowire cocoon is destructible.

The abilities seem overkill when skimmed through and during the first look. But you can work around all of them. With abilities being single-use, the timing of them becomes extremely crucial. Especially Barrier mesh which activates the instant it hits the ground. With the Sonic sensor being sound-dependent, its positioning becomes extremely crucial. Since if someone walks around, it won't get triggered. All of this combines to make Deadlock an agent with a high ceiling and specialization. Deadlock's use case is limited and requires support from other agents.

How to play Deadlock?

You'd realize the abilities often fall short when you play Deadlock for the first time. Sonic Sensor won't activate unless the opponents are rushing in. GravNet has to be appropriately timed and placed, and missing it is relatively easy. Barrier Mesh can be shot through, and annihilation can be dodged. But the agent's kit is designed to stop incoming attacks essentially. It prioritizes delaying and can create a huge disconnect.

The GravNet can be combined with a damaging utility to stop an incoming attack on its track.

Sonic Sensor might not be a good flank watch, but it would be an amazing post-plant and defense utility, especially as a Jett counter. A smart player can use the sonic sensor with the Barrier Mesh to section off attacking forces and pick them off individually. The annihilate is especially amazing when used in a one-on-one situation.

One worrying part about the agent for the casuals might be that it will be tough to use the agent in Soloq, as most utilities are moment-restricting and don't block vision or bullets. The agent's whole kit is to slow down the game, section off and work around the attack.

Is the new agent a good addition to Valorant?

Deadlock is an agent who won't be like a Killjoy or a Chamber. She's more niche and would be harder to play for casual. But the possibilities in pro-plays increase by a lot. Especially in a slow-paced meta, a correctly placed Barrier mesh wins the round. The agent might see little action compared to Killjoy or Cypher, but the combinations with the agent will be amazing. The GravNet with Sonic Sensor and Barrier Mesh can delay the incoming attack. But the fact that the agent isn't a traditional sentinel might ick people the wrong way. But Deadlock is a good agent if played correctly.

Credit: Riot Games

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