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Is Dota 2 Better on Weekdays?

Is Dota 2 Better on Weekdays?

Dota 2
21 Aug
Harrison Htet

Dota 2 usually gets a boost in players during the weekends, which is like most esports titles. However, unlike those esports titles, most tri-hard Dota 2 players don’t usually like this. Although this boost may not seem much in low-level pubs, it is a huge deal in high-level pubs. Moreover, many professional players also have expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation.

The Breakdown of Scenario

Most esports titles require countless hours of practice to reach the highest level of rank, Dota 2 being one of those titles. However, certain players try to get to that high rank without actually practising by purchasing a high-rank account.  When these players queue up in their “high rank” account, they cannot stand their ground against the actual players who have countless hours of practice under their belt. Moreover, these account buyers’ actual rank is way below the average.

Thus, they create a massive rank gap scenario, putting the team they’re in at a disadvantage. Furthermore, this behaviour frustrates the players who put in countless hours of effort in grinding to reach high-level ranks. Although Valve tried various methods to deal with these types of players, at the moment, the account buyers keep on finding a way around Valve’s bans.

The Hilarious Case 

Last year, an account buyer made headlines in the community for the silliness of the situation. Despite buying a top 200 rank immortal from an undisclosed high-rank level, the account buyer lost more than 50 matches he played on his purchased account. His hilarious record caught everyone’s attention. However, the account buyer managed to sneak a win under his belt. Nevertheless, soon after, he got banned for account buying.

Pro Player’s Comments

Recently, Max “qojqva”  Bröcker, a streamer for Team Liquid, expressed his dissatisfaction with the quality of games he has to play on weekends. The player remarked that certain types of players - drunks and accounts buyers. The streamer acknowledged the burdensome matches waiting for him the following day.

Featured Image Source: Valve

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