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Is Old G Disbanding?

Is Old G Disbanding?

Dota 2
1 Jul
Harrison Htet

Old G, the most high-profile team at Division II, has yet again made headlines. The team founded by the two-times-back-to-back Ti champions, Sébastien "Ceb" Debs and Johan "N0tail" Sundstein, had a rocky road since their start. They managed to overcome some of the obstacles they faced on the way.

However, the team had a rough public fallout during one of the most anticipated matches during their DPC 2022-2023 Division II Summer Tour. Although Old G managed to bounce back from the incident, their hopes of getting promoted got squished. Moreover, it impacted the team’s synergy.

The Drama

Volodymyr "No[o]ne-" Minenko, Old G’s safelane player was recently seen playing midlane in his pubs. Although No[o]ne- was known for his talent at the midlane during his peak, the player has just been a safelaner for the past few years.

Under different circumstances, this would imply that he would be switching his role as the team’s midlaner. However, Topias "Topson" Taavitsainen, the team’s midlaner, was also practising midlane in his pubs, implying either No[o]ne- or Topson is out of Old G. Dzmitry "Fishman" Palishchuk confronted Ceb during his recent stream on Twitch. Ceb replied team’s dead.

Went through Hell all for a disband?

Old G started trying for the DPC 2022-2023 season since the Winter Tour. However, they only received their ticket in the Spring Tour. They qualified for a seat in Division II through the open qualifiers. The team struggled during the Spring Tour and had to play the tiebreakers. Lacking the players to play in tiebreakers, the team got eliminated. They bought a Division II slot from PuckChamp for the Summer Tour.

However, despite playing the best, they lost their last crucial match against Ancient Tribe. With a score of four wins and two losses, Old G failed to force the tiebreakers for the Division I slot and sealed their fate in Division II for the next DPC season.

There is no official statement from Old G regarding the situation. However, Ceb does not give up easily, and the team is eligible for a roster shuffle. The community is waiting to see whether Old G will be able to rise from their ashes like the Phoneix they are or if this is the demise of Old G.

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