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Reflecting Patch 7.34: The Resurgence of Invoker

Reflecting Patch 7.34: The Resurgence of Invoker

Dota 2
16 Aug
Harrison Htet

The Patch 7.34 was in effect for five days. The patch brought a lot of chaos along with some old heroes. One of them being Invoker. Invoker is a Dota 2 hero known throughout the multiverse of MOBA for how complicated the hero is. Even though it is one the most complex heroes to play in Dota 2, some players have mastered the art of Invoker. However, the hero has been missing in professional scenes and pubs until the recent release of Patch 7.34.

Moreover, in this new patch, Invoker received crucial buffs. These buffs not only make him viable again but also make him one of the strongest midlaner for Patch 7.34. The hero is quickly regaining popularity, despite the change in his play-style. Due to the new playstyle, some players are taking time to re-learn the new Invoker.

The Buffs & Changes

In Patch 7.34, Invoker’s attributes changed to the Universal hero pool. His Quas, Wex, and Exort balls received a re-work as well. His Quas ability now grants additional Strength per level and spell lifesteal, replacing HP regen. Wex ability in this new patch grants bonus agility per level, replacing mana regen. Exort grants a bonus spell amp per level, replacing additional damage.

These reworked orbs pair well with Invoker’s level 25 talent, twice the orbs' passive effects. Moreover, one of his overpowered abilities, +2 Choas Meteors, is now his level-20 talent. The talent makes the hero more reliable to take skirmishes as players can now comfortably take this talent once they reach level 20 on the hero. His item build has also changed too.

The New Item Build & Winrate

Unlike the old variant of Invoker, which focuses on magic damage, the hero now prioritises items to amplify his physical damage. His magical damage will also scale as the game progress due to his Exort, making the hero a threat in the late game. Spirit Vessel, a favourite item of the hero, received a reworked.

Spirit Vessel used to grant the user 12 attributes instead of 2. Moreover, Spirit Vessel used double Crowns. Being a Universal Hero, Invo relies heavily on bonus attributes, thus making Spirit Vessel a perfect item for the hero. The hero starting items would include a Bracer before directly rushing to Vessel.

After Vessel, players can have different options depending on the scenario of their match. If they want to prioritise farming, they can get a Maelstorm, Hand of Midas or both! Dragon Lance is also a good option, as it gives stats and can build into Hurricane Pike. Having the option to reposition always comes in handy in skirmishes. Hand of Midas also received a buff which makes it better for farming. After their farming item, Voker can get Manta Style or Black King Bar. In most cases, it is better to have both. After these items, the hero can get Daedelus or Eye Of Skadi. Then a regen item of some kind to round off the build. Since the release of Patch 7.34, Invoker’s pick rate has jumped to 19.64%. The win rate of Invoker was 21.53%.

Featured Image Source: Reddit

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