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Karmine Corp eliminate MAD Lions KOI in LEC playoffs

Karmine Corp eliminate MAD Lions KOI in LEC playoffs

League of Legends
21 Jul
Martin Arévalo-Östberg

With two nations' pride on the line, French crown jewel of Karmine Corp defeated MAD Lions KOI this Saturday night at the LEC Summer Playoffs. The convincing win keeps alive the dream of all KC fans of making a miracle run across the Lower Bracket.

Meanwhile, across the border, Spanish fans mourn the early end to MAD's Summer Season in the LEC.

Upset punches first for Karmine Corp

The series was launched to a slow start as the teams restrained themselves to trading objectives across the map. MAD's 5 voidgrubs to KC's 1 were answered by the French team by claiming the first 2 dragons of the game.

It was only in the 20th minute of the game that the pivotal fight took place. MAD looked to leverage their small gold lead into a mid lane outer turret take. KC, in turn, saw an opportunity and did not hesitate to pounce, grabbing a swift three kills. KC immediately followed the team-fight win into an uncontested baron.

Having 4 kills on Ka'iSa, Elias "Upset" Lipp never looked to slow down from there. The ADC constantly pushed the limits of his role, ulting straight into the enemy team on multiple occasions.

Upset's assertive play secured his team several team-fight wins for the remainder of the game. Leading his team to victory, Upset finished game 1 of the series with a KDA of 11/0/5.

Karmine Corp show off their dance moves

Game 2 of the series saw Spanish star Javier "Elyoya" Prades put on a masterclass in early-game jungling on Brand.

MAD managed to secure an early pick on KC's Can "Closer" Çelik, as well as all 6 voidgrubs. The strong early game meant MAD had an early lead of 2.5k gold only 11 minutes into the game.

The game-changing moment came immediately afterwards, however, with former T1 top laner Kim "Canna" Chang-dong turning around an early 2 vs 3 fight in the top lane with the help of Raphael "Targamas" Crabbe.

Canna's Camille became accelerated, and quickly took over the game from there. Pulling off a wide assortment of mechanical outplays over the MAD Lions, Canna claimed game 2 for KC with yet another strong performance from Upset on Kai'Sa.

Karmine Corp's overall improvement throughout the year has been inspiring to watch. Targamas confirmed during the post-match interview that scrims are going well and that KC is "challenging the top teams."

All that remains to do now is translate that form into the remainder of the playoffs.

A bitter end for the Lions

MAD Lions revolutionized their roster for the 2024 season, opting for an even stronger Spanish presence in the team. The moves seemed to pay off, as the team finished the Winter Playoffs in 2nd place after losing to G2 in the finals early in the year.

Coming off such a strong start to the season, Spanish fans were surely hoping for another deep run in the playoffs.

Ultimately, however, it was not in the stars, and the team is forced to see their Summer Season draw to a disappointing end.

Karmine Corp will continue forth in the Playoffs, playing SK Gaming on 23rd July 19:00 CET.

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