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Lima Major Meta Analysis

Lima Major Meta Analysis

Dota 2
7 Mar
Radu Muresan

The Lima Major is finally over and the meta that developed during the tournament is surprising.

A lot of old-school heroes that everyone had forgotten about were highly contested and it’s understandable why. The latest patches brought about a number of changes that made certain playstyles extremely attractive.

Most Contested Dota 2 Heroes of The Lima Major

Not that long ago, Broodmother was considered to be a dead hero. Now she is feared by everyone again. At the Lima Major, Brood got picked just 26 times. But that’s because she was banned 164 times! It looked as though nobody wanted to play against her.

Brood’s win rate was quite spectacular: 65.3%. The spider is hard to control and will pressure not only the enemy safe lane but also their jungle. After just 5-8 minutes, she can no longer be stopped by a single hero. You need to dedicate at least two. And that creates a lot of space for the enemy carry.

Another hero that was highly contested was Lina. Once again, the number of picks was not that high: 54. But that’s because the teams banned her as quickly as they could.

We saw what happened in the Grand Final between Gaimin Gladiators and Team Liquid. Because of Liquid’s refusal to prioritise the Lina ban, Gladiators picked her every single time. And they won three times in a row. Lina’s overall win rate during the Lima Major was 61.1%.

Although he wasn’t the most contested hero of the Lima Major, Nature’s Prophet was easily one of the most appealing. He got picked in 73 games and had a win rate of 53.4%. His natural abilities enabled teams to group up and put a lot of early pressure on their opponents.

Batrider was picked 47 times but he got banned 129 times. His win rate was high. Nearly 60%. It seems that professional players know how to use him much better than pub players. In pubs, Batrider has one of the lowest win rates of all heroes: 45%.

Another hero that got a lot of attention was Rubick. He was the most played hero of the tournament with 96 picks. However, his win rate wasn’t spectacular. Just 43.75%. Rubick is extremely valuable because he can steal any enemy spell and then catch the other side by surprise. But he’s not always viable, as many competitors discovered.

Header: Dotabuff

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