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LOUD and CTFO Oyster eliminated from League of Legends Worlds 2023

LOUD and CTFO Oyster eliminated from League of Legends Worlds 2023

League of Legends
14 Oct
Foo Zen-Wen

LOUD (LLL) and CTBC Oyster (CFO) has been eliminated from the League of Legends Worlds 2023 tournament. With the exit of LOUD, Brazil has been eliminated in its entirety from the tournament. However, CFO’s elimination leaves PSG Talon as the sole representative from the PCS regions.



LOUD has been eliminated from Worlds 2023. The Brazilian powerhouse made a good attempt at a series, however, several misplays throughout the mid-game ultimately costed them the series as a whole against GAM Esports.

Game 1 ended in 35.28 minutes, with GAM Esports shutting them in two successively clean teamfights, thanks in large part to Đặng “Kati” Thanh Phê on the Viktor. “Kati” ended Game 1 with a 9/2/11 scoreline, decimating LOUD’s health bars every time they tried to engage. GAM ended the game with an 11.3k gold lead.

Game 2 started in a similar fashion, with LOUD initially contesting hard. However, a failed gank in the top lane by Park “Croc” Jong-hoon’s Jarvan IV and Leonardo “Robo” Souza’s Olaf on Trần “Kiaya” Duy Sang’s Gnar broke the stalemate. And from there, LOUD was unable to contest objectives thanks to both "Kiaya” and GAM ADC Nguyễn “Slayder” Linh Vương. The game ended in 36.36 minutes, with a 13.3k gold deficit for LOUD.


CTBC Oyster Out

Similarly, CFO has now exited the tournament after losing to Team BDS. The PCS 2nd seed had a decent showing in Bracket B, eliminating DetonatioN FocusMe. They also took a game off Team Whales.

Game 1 was extremely close, going the distance to 42.28 minutes. With a mere gold difference of only 4.5k gold lead, the game ended narrowly in favor of BDS. Ilias “nuc” Bizriken and Juš “Crownie” Marušič ended up delivering massively for BDS in the first game.

Heading into Game 2, CFO looked out of answers as BDS stormed to a 28.33 minute series victory. With all of BDS performing, CFO had little chances to grab a lead, despite taking first blood and first turret gold. BDS ended the game with an 8.9k gold lead.


Coming Up Next…

With the bracket stage concluded, Team Whales now faces GAM for the sole spot to Groups. Their series will be a rematch of the VCS 2023 Summer Playoffs, in which GAM had come out ahead 3-1. Meanwhile, PSG Talon faces off against Team BDS. Should PSG lose that would also mark the end of the PCS region’s run at Worlds 2023. Should BDS fall instead, only three LEC teams would be left at Worlds.

Follow our all-in-one guide for everything you need to know about Worlds 2023.


Credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

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