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"Memoir of a Comeback": The Star and the Anchor - keznit and NagZ after KRU esports beat Leviatan

"Memoir of a Comeback": The Star and the Anchor - keznit and NagZ after KRU esports beat Leviatan

2 Aug
Ganesh Jadhav

In the last part of the series, we witnessed KRU winning over FURIA and daveeyS walking us through the game. With the win, KRU secured a double-elimination bracket. Their opponent now is Leviatan, another LATAM representative. Leviatan is amongst the top two contenders to win the VCT Americas LCQ and qualify for Valorant Champions 2023. The odds were against KRU on this one. A loss here would mean KRU would need additional games to reach the finals. 

In their previous encounter, KRU were dominated by Leviatan. KRU definitely answered back and exacted revenge on their training partner in the series. KRU won the series 2-0 securing the upper final against Cloud9. After the game, Strafe interviewed KRU’s keznit and NagZ. In an exclusive one on one interview, the KRU players talk about the game, their individual performances, next opponents and more.

Following is the transcript for KRU keznit’s interview:

Q. Congratulations on the win. You were in complete control of the game,How are you feeling after the win?

KRU Keznit: “It was the first time we played our style. We focused on ourselves and what our coach taught us and what we were practicing. Maintaining calm was really the key for the win today.”

Q. You have been performing exceptionally well in the LCQ, you have been consistently putting up superstart numbers. What are your thoughts on your own performance?

KRU Keznit: “Before all these games, I have been playing a lot of ranked matches. For me, it’s about trusting myself and my teams. I have a daily routine which I follow and when I play in the officials I think about the practice and all the things I have sacrificed to reach here”

Q. Compared to the first two games, KRU had a relatively easy time closing the game today. Was there anything different today?

KRU Keznit: “We have been reviewing the past mistakes we made in the other games. We came out swinging, playing our style today and keeping calm during tense situations has really helped our game. We focused on the little details and the little mistakes we made previously”

Q. You’d face Cloud9 next, what are your thoughts on the team?

KRU Keznit: “It’s gonna be a really good game for Cloud9 fans and all the fans watching the game. It will be a really high level gameplay and they are just going to play as they do”

Q. What would the preparations be like for the next game?

KRU Keznit: “I will do the same things I have been doing as they have been very fruitful to me. I have been playing a lot of ranked games as soon as they get home from the matches in order to keep the momentum.”

Q. Cloud9’s Coach mCe mentioned how he’d rather face Leviatan in the upper finals as they are easier to read and secondly he commended your performance and how you are tough to deal with. What do you think about mCe’s statement?

KRU Keznit: “It’s an honor to receive such a compliment from a North American coach. It gives me motivation to continue playing the game at the highest level.”

Q. Is there a player you’d look out for in the game against Cloud9?

KRU Keznit: “There’s nobody in particular. Me and runi are really good friends so shout out to him and see you tomorrow”

Q. Which team would be the biggest challenge for KRU moving forward?

KRU Keznit: “Because of the playstyle we have, Sentinels are the hardest opponents for us to face. They have a very strange playstyle which is very hard for KRU to adapt to”

Q. Anything further comments, or a word for your fans?

KRU Keznit: “Regards to all fans and keep going to the moon for us”

Following is the transcript for KRU NagZ’s interview:

Q. Congratulations on your victory! KRU had an amazing game today, how are you feeling about the game?

KRU NagZ: “I feel very happy about the team’s performance today. All of us played amazingly and very calm and we were very disciplined”

Q.  Any highlights from today’s game you particularly remember?

KRU NagZ: “I think the last round of the series on Lotus, when Keznit killed the guy flanking and had the ult, I knew that we won at that moment. I took off my headphones before the round ended because I knew it was over”

Q. You have been the closer for KRU in multiple games. You clutch up whenever the team needs, what are your thoughts about your own performance?

KRU NagZ: “It’s true that I am having trouble putting up numbers this tournament. But my coach told me I am very determined in the final moments and when I have to take my duel, I win it and it helps my team a lot and that helps my confidence a lot.”

Q. Compared to the first two games, KRU had a relatively easy time closing the game today. Was there anything different today?

KRU NagZ: “After every game we talk about what happened and why we lost so many rounds. We try to work on that before the next game. In the first game, we had anxiety, we won twelve rounds but let go of multiple rounds before winning the final rounds, so we talked about it after the game about how the anxiety was so high, so we worked on it. Against FURIA we didn’t have an anxiety problem but we were too relaxed, we were not communicating enough, we were not taking initiatives during the rounds. We worked on that yesterday and this morning and we applied both of them in the game today.”

Q. What was the main issue with KRU not able to close out games during the regular season? How did you overcome them?

KRU NagZ: “The main problem was anxiety and nerves. Also, we didn’t train like the other teams, the other teams have been together since the beginning of the year or earlier but our roster was confirmed just before the regional league started. We knew we just needed time before it starts clicking. We knew once we learn how to stay calm and close the maps, it is going to be ours. It was evident as during the regular season we were 0-9 but we had seven matched that we could’ve won”

Q. Any thoughts on Cloud9, your next opponent?

KRU NagZ: “I think they are a very good team, I like their playstyle a lot. They are aggressive players and unpredictable so I like that a lot. We’d have a really fun match. We have practiced a lot together and we have good team relation, we prank each other a lot so it would be very entertaining game”

Q. Any specific Cloud9 player you’d look out for?

KRU NagZ: “I think the most dangerous player for them is Leaf”

Q. Winning against Cloud9 guarantees you a final spot, which team would you want to see with you in the finals?

KRU NagZ: “I really don’t care what team gets to the finals. We will win against any team that plays against us, we will play the same against any team. It was a mistake we made during the regular season, we played differently against teams like NRG or Leviatan and that was a big problem. So now, we just want to play our game, doesn’t matter who we face''

Q. Any team that you think might be problematic to face?

KRU NagZ: “I don’t think so, any team that has been playing in the league poses the same problems. We have been working on solving on those problems and I trust our work”

Q. Anything further comments, or a word for your fans?

KRU NagZ: “I am very thankful for the fans who kept believing in us. Despite us going 0-9, there were fans who kept believing in us, so thanks to them for being amazing.”

The win boosts the team's confidence by a lot. With Leviatan out of the way, the only big contender for KRU to face is Cloud9. But Cloud9 has been the best team in the league, going toe to toe with LOUD and NRG. Cloud9 has to be the team’s biggest challenge in the LCQ. The next will be the final part of the series and the conclusive part. Stay tuned with Strafe as we commemorate KRU’s amazing comeback.

Credits: Riot Games // VCT Americas

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