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New Split, New Me: Everything you need to know about 2024 LoL Ranked Split 2!

New Split, New Me: Everything you need to know about 2024 LoL Ranked Split 2!

League of Legends
14 May
Antonio Cinotti Ballarte

As the dust settles on an exhilarating Split 1 of Season 14, League of Legends players and enthusiasts alike turn their attention to the upcoming Split 2 coming to all players  onMay 15th. This transition isn't just a change in the calendar; it heralds significant system changes that promise to reshape the way players engage with the game.

Split 1 Recap

The beginning of Split 1 birthed the Void-themed changes on Summoner's Rift. Players immediately sought out the newly introduced Void Grubs in the early game, as they granted a tower-destroying team-wide buff.

However, they were not the only void-type creatures to have made their impact. Rift Herald also saw a new change where players could enter the monster to run down a lane (or jungle if you have that drift) and take down a tower!

Baron Nashor also saw a bit of a rework where it could spawn with a mutation, altering the way it combats players as well as changing the surrounding terrain.

Blue and Red Buff as well as Scuttle Crab gained increased power with their void mutations. The natural terrain of Summoner's Rift was also altered to allow for more gank paths as well as walking space in the river.

Split 1 also saw the removal of Mythic items and a major overhaul of items. With the new Support Quest system, it created a greater source of income even for champions not in the Support role (although this was nerfed halfway through the split)! Fist bumping was introduced so you and your teammates felt a sense of unification. The developers officially integrated the new Vanguard anti-cheat system into all players' machines to prevent them from facing cheaters in their games. Many aspects of the game changed in this split but only to welcome even MORE changes in Split 2!

Split 2 Changes

System Changes

Split 2 will introduce an update on Champion Mastery. Say goodbye to earning mastery chests for achieving S- or higher rank in a game, and earning mastery tokens as these will be removed indefinitely. Say hello to the new and separate Mastery tab which will showcase an overview for each champion with Mastery crest, points, and Mastery Milestone progress. Additionally, they will be updating the looks of the Mastery crests, uncapping the Mastery levels, introducing Mastery crests for levels 8-10, and unlocking Champion title's for your Summoner profile.

A new mechanic called Mastery Milestones will track and meter your champion's respective Mastery progress. There will be different levels of milestones to achieve through champion grades and whenever you reach a new milestone, you will be rewarded either a Hextech Chest, a Mark of Mastery, or both. Each milestone will require earning higher grades. There are also ultimate milestones at 12, 24, and 40 completed milestones which will earn you special rewards. With these changes, get ready to play a variety of champions to score amazing rewards!

Ranked Changes

Riot Games developer Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison consistently communicated with the community about the state of Ranked Solo/Duo and also shared the difficulties and successes made in Split 1. With this in mind, Split 2 will have a few changes regarding LP vs MMR.

If you're a high ranking player, this change will benefit you! After finishing Ranked provisionals, you can now earn a maximum possible rank of Diamond 3 instead of Emerald 1. This allows the expert players to quickly get back to their elo in due time. Additionally, they re-added the ability to duo-queue in Masters MMR for all regions except the KR and CN servers.

For all players, LP will now roll over upon demotion in between divisions. There will no longer be the safety guard that would keep you at 0 LP if your loss would demote you into the division below. For instance, if you are at Emerald 2, 10 LP and you lost a game that cost you 20 LP, you will no longer go to 0 LP but demote to Emerald 3, 90 LP. Note that this is only for demotion in between divisions and not tiers.

Demoting out of a tier will work differently. If you demote out of a tier such as Gold or Diamond, you will dynamically lose LP according to your MMR. The set amount of LP you will be at if you demote will range from 25 LP, 50 LP, and 75 LP. For instance, if your MMR is higher than your current Rank and you demote down a tier, you will likely be set at 75 LP. On the contrary if your MMR is a lot lower than your current Rank and you demote down a tier, you will likely be set at 25 LP. Our word of advice: be prepared to demote more than before with these new dynamic LP changes.

Summoner Rift Changes

As Split 1 dealt with major terrain and item changes, Split 2 will see changes in runes, items, and even summoner spells. But first we must dive into a more important matter...

Corki will enter Split 2 with a major gameplay update! Each of his abilities will see new effects added with number modifications but will also face the removal of his package, a long-time staple mechanic in LoL's history.  Corki will also no longer deal magic damage based on his AD but will now deal 15% bonus true damage! You can find more information on Corki's update here.

Most players knows that the more times you die consecutively without getting a kill results in you losing gold value when an enemy kills you (again). In Split 2, the amount of gold you're worth when on a dying streak and killed again will now be worth less by about 15 to 20 gold. Sharing XP will increase from 116% to 124% of XP. Nice buff to the bot lane!

Item Changes

Last but not least, items, runes and summoner spells will see major changes. Many of the items being changed are Marksman items so for all the ADC players reading this, this patch is for you. Almost all items are seeing changes in their stats, recipes, and even effects. Some items are being removed (goodbye Mobility Boots) and some items are being added to the game (some of which will be remembered by veteran players).

The list of removed items is as follows:

  • Anathema's Chains
  • Corrupting Potion
  • Kircheis Shard
  • Mobility Boots
  • Navori Quickblades (which will be replaced by Navori Flickerblade)
  • Stormrazor

As we won't list all of the new and changed items in this article, we will list out some cool new items to look out for when you play your first game on the rift. Symbiotic Shoes now introduces a new tier 3 to boots! After traveling 150,000 units of distance, it will upgraded to Synchronized Souls which will grant more movement speed. Talk about breaking into those soles! Zephyr is also coming back as a tier 3 boot upgrade from Berserker's Greaves granting an on-hit passive. For the Marksman players, every crit item is now going to have 25% crit instead of 20%. Now you can have 100% crit AND Guardian Angels. Now let's dive into the rune changes.

Rune Changes

The list of removed runes is as follows:

  • Future's Market
  • Ingenious Hunter
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Lethal Tempo
  • Minion Dematerializer
  • Overheal
  • Predator

Many runes are seeing some number and effect changes but the new runes are looking to be the most interesting. Jack of All Trades is a new rune in the Inspiration tree that will earn the player stat buffs for each unique stat type item they buy. Another rune in the Inspiration tree called Cash Back will automatically refund 6% of any Legendary item's total gold cost when purchased. A final rune to keep an eye out is the new Absorb Life that will be found in the Precision tree. It will heal the player when it kills a unit which will help with lane survivability.

Summoner Spell Changes

Barrier, Cleanse, Exhaust, Ghost, and Heal are receiving minor but important changes. Cleanse, Exhaust, and Ghost's cooldown are being increased by 30 seconds. Barrier will now have an increased shield amount and duration. Cleanse will grant the player a 10% buff in tenacity. Exhaust will slow an enemy champion by 40% instead of 30%. Ghost's duration will be nerfed from 15 seconds to 10 seconds. Lastly, Heal's range is increased to 900 units instead of 850 (now you can clutch the ally heals more often).

Time of Release per Server

Patch 14.10 will roll out on May 15th, 2024 at different times per server. Here is the list of times:

  • NA: 3 AM PT
  • EUW: 5 AM EUW
  • EUNE: 3 AM CET
  • KR: 8 AM KST

Make sure to read the patch notes for 14.10 to be ready when you dive into your first match of Split 2!

Featured Source Image: Riot Games

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