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Not a Fabulous Debut for Miracle at Shopify Rebellion

Not a Fabulous Debut for Miracle at Shopify Rebellion

Dota 2
13 Jun
Harrison Htet

Shopify Rebellion was one of the dark horses for the DreamLeague Season 20. However, they got everyone’s attention when they announced that Miracle would join them as a  standin' for them at the tournament as their midlaner ran into visa issues. Suddenly, Shopify Rebellion became the talk of the town, as fans wanted to witness the M God in action.

However, despite Miracle playing alongside them, Shopify Rebellion’s debut didn’t go as planned. They tied their first series against Gaimin Gladiators, the back-to-back major champions and lost to BetBoom Team.

The tie against Gaimin Gladiators

Even with Miracle- on the team, Shopify Rebellion could not resist picking a Storm Spirit as their midlane in game 1. Shopify Rebellion tried to play a fast pace game after the end of the laning stage. At first, their plan worked, with Miracle securing the backlines and Artour’s Shadow Fiend outputting significant damage to eliminate anyone.

However, as the game progressed, Gaimin Gladiators played methodically, and as the cores came online, Shopify Rebellion’s lead fell off. Eventually, at 42 minutes, Gaimin closed out Game 1.

In game 2, Miracle played his pocket Earthshaker midlane and dominated the laning stage. Shopify Rebellion played around Miracle’s midlane Earthshaker after the end of the laning stage, allowing their safelane Faceless Void to farm. Even though Gaimin Gladiators tried to keep up with the pace from Shopify, it wasn’t enough. At 39 minutes, Shopify Rebellion took game 2.

BetBoom Team’s Dominance

In game 1, Shopify dominated the early game and played a fast-paced game. They snowballed their laning advantage into the midgame. However, a failed Roshan attempt at 28 minutes by SR gave BetBoom Team a window to get back into the game. BetBoom Team clawed into that opportunity and took objectives. SR tried to stop their bleeding, but they couldn’t. At 46 minutes, BetBoom Team flipped the tables and closed out game 1.

Game 2 was a bit back and forth, as both teams traded kills for kills. After the end of the laning stage, SR tried to build their momentum by securing pickoffs across the map. Nevertheless, BetBoom was quick to respond. At 28 minutes, a failed team fight from SR gave away their lead. BetBoom outmanoeuvred further attempts from SR and played methodically. Eventually, at 34 minutes, Shopify tapped out from game 2, giving the series to BetBoom Team.


As the first day of DreamLeague Season 20 concluded, Shopify Rebellion is currently at the bottom of Group B. Shopify has one win and three losses, and their upcoming DreamLeague series is up against Entity.

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