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Old G keeps their Division I Hopes alive

Old G keeps their Division I Hopes alive

Dota 2
24 Jun
Harrison Htet

Recently, all eyes were on Old G due to their team drama in the high-profile match against Nigma Galaxy. Although things didn’t go well in that match against Nigma Galaxy, Old G got a silver lining for their next series against Level Up due to their soft support player’s stint.

In their match against Level Up, an undefeated team at the top of Division II WEU groups, Old G, was finally able to land the knockout blow with the help of their new standin, Vladimir "RodjER" Nikogosian. Although Old G got star players, the match was supposed to be close because of Level Up’s recent results. Here’s a summary of the action that went down.

Game 1

Level Up went for the aggressive draft in game 1. They drafted a midlane Queen of Pain back the support duo of Techies and Bounty Hunter to enable their safelane core, Naga Siren. Old G knowing how Level Up wanted to play, drafted a Legion Commander as their offlane and a Rubick midlane backed by a Monkey King safelane. They also had a Batrider as their hard support.

Level Up had to make a lane swap during the laning stage to enable their Naga Siren. Despite the lane swap, they lost the landing stage. However, Level Up was patient and waited for the item timing on Naga Siren. Level Up heavily punishes a failed team fight from Old G around 18-20 minutes, taking objectives. Eventually, despite their best attempts, at 41 minutes, Level Up took game 1.

Game 2 

Level Up drafted a Medusa support game in game 2. However, Old G came into the game with a vengeance. Picking Pangolier as the midlane and Morphling as their safelane core, they played aggressively since the start of the match. Level Up tried to counter-pick the Morphling lane, but it backfired on them as their Dark Seer lane quickly crumbled. Old G played carefully not to throw away their lead and secured the objectives. Eventually, at 47 minutes, Level Up tapped out from game 2.

Game 3 

In game 3, Level Up again tried to play a fast-paced game with a safelane Bloodseeker and midlane Queen of Pain. This time Old G went with their intuition. Picking Juggernaut as their safelane and a midlane Snapfire, Old G’s draft offers lane stability and assured late game. Although Level Up played their best, Old G’s draft became potent as the game progressed. At 48 minutes, Level Up accepted their first defeat and tapped out from game 3.

The Results

With their first defeat, Level Up and another three teams are in a tie for first place with four wins and two losses. With only 1 match remaining for each team, it will be intense as only two teams can go to Division I. Moreover, both Nigma Galaxy and Old G are eligible for the Division I promotion if they win the final series.

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