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Team Secret Dominating DreamLeague Season 20, Sweeps Tundra Esports

Team Secret Dominating DreamLeague Season 20, Sweeps Tundra Esports

Dota 2
14 Jun
Harrison Htet

DreamLeague Season 20 is full of surprises. The teams that dominated Valve’s DPC Tour are performing poorly. Team Liquid, the kings of DPC, are certain to get eliminated. Tundra Esports went undefeated during the Summer Tour, but the team is struggling to find their footing, and recently, they lost against Team Secret, a relegated team on the far end of the spectrum.

Team Secret made a roster shuffle after the end of the Summer Tour. They switched their offlaner going into the DreamLeague Season 19. Their results drastically improved. At DreamLeague, with the new roster, they secured the top seed of Group A despite the group consisting of titans such as Team Liquid, Tundra Esports, Team Spirit and PSG.LGD. They recently won their series against Tundra Esports. Here’s a quick recap of the action that went down.

Game 1 

Tundra went with a greedy draft in game 1. They drafted a safelane Terrorblade and an offlane Medusa with roaming Doom support. Team Secret, went with an offlane Magnus and a midlane Void Spirit. To counter the Medusa draft, Secret drafted Anti-Mage as their safelane carry. Both teams poked each other during the laning stage.

However, Tundra started to build up its momentum after the end of the laning stage, and despite getting chased off the map, Team Secret played calmly, focusing on objectives. As they hit their item timing, Team Secret tried to force team fights, kiting and focusing Tundra’s Doom. As their Doom falls, Tundra crumbles.

At 34 minutes, Secret got their solid footing in the game as their offlane Magnus landed a sick three-men Reverse Polarity in the Roshan fight. At 40 minutes, Tundra Esports tapped out from game 1.

Game 2

Tundra played aggressively in game 2 with hard support Techies and a midlane Pangolier. To pressure, they drafted a Visage offlane, their offlaner signature hero. On the other hand, Team Secret went for the late-game ensured draft with a midlane, Morphling, and a safelane carry Abaddon backed by an offlane Magnus.

Tundra dominated the laning stage and tried to snowball their advantage. However, Secret was calm. Whilst farming their cores, Team Secret seek a window to come back into the game, forcing Tundra to defend their objectives across the map.

As the game progressed, Secret slowly took the lead and pressured high ground. Despite Tundra’s best efforts, a crucial mistake by Tundra’s hard carry, Faceless Void, at 37 minutes, led Tundra to their defeat, giving the series to Team Secret.

Currently, with a score of one win and five ties, Team Secret are tied for the top seed with Talon Esports and PSG.LGD

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