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Prince, Wayward and FoFo headed for Team WE for 2024 LPL season

Prince, Wayward and FoFo headed for Team WE for 2024 LPL season

League of Legends
11 Dec
Foo Zen-Wen

South Korean talent Lee “Prince” Chae-hwan has now been officially announced as the new starting AD Carry player for Team WE. Similarly, former Top Esports Top Laner Huang “Wayward” Ren-Xing and former EDward Gaming Chu “FoFo” Chun-lan have also been announced to be joining Team WE for the upcoming season.

Team WE recently underwent a rebuild phase, in which the majority of their roster was released to other organizations or to their academy lineup. This unexpectedly bold move from Team WE suggests a more exciting 2024 season performance from the organization.

Team WE 2024 LPL Starting Lineup

  • Top Lane: Huang “Wayward” Ren-Xing
  • Mid Lane: Chu “FoFo” Chun-lan
  • AD Carry: Lee “Prince” Chae-hwan
  • Support: ?

An Unfinished State for Team WE’s 2024 Roster

Team WE still has work to do in order to complete their roster ahead of the 2024 LPL season. While they have secured a premium AD Carry talent in Prince, and experienced solo laners in Wayward and FoFo, the biggest puzzle left to solve would be the crucial synergy.

Both Wayward and FoFo had fairly promising 2023s, however, was not able to capitalize on the momentum to go all the way. EDG and TES both had a respectable but not remarkable 2023.

Moreover, while Team WE has successfully managed to extend the contract for Jungler Heng, their Support slot remains unfulfilled. Considering two-fifths of the roster depends on good synergy, Prince will only be considered unlocked if Team WE can secure a reliable enough Support. And the question mark of whether he can recover from his Summer run still remains.

Team WE makes off with the Prince

Prince is most certainly the biggest grab so far for Team WE, and their success in nabbing him for the 2024 season is most certainly in part due to the drop-off he and the rest of the FlyQuest roster suffered towards the end of the LCS year.

To begin with, Prince was one of the biggest reasons for FlyQuest’s success in 2023. After managing to secure Prince, FlyQuest went on to have their best split since 2020. A 2nd place finish in the Spring regular season, translated into a 3rd place finish in the Spring Playoffs, just barely losing to Golden Guardians in a close 5-game series.

Along with Mingyi Spica” Lu, the duo was considered the strongest aspects of the assembled roster, and his departure following a far poorer Summer Split (ending 9th), was a sad ending for another talent import that had initially looked promising.


While this roster is far from complete, and it is too early to call, Team WE has already managed to assemble some interesting pieces. Moreover, the return to a more competitive region will hopefully revitalize Prince. For the part of Wayward, he had a fairly competitive year, having mounted a comeback from Spring to place 4th in the Summer Split, Playoffs, and Regional Finals. However, this run on Team WE will be Wayward’s first away from the Top Esports banner, thus, it remains to be seen how he will perform.

For FoFo, despite running with a more stacked roster in 2023, still lost to Weibo Gaming in the Regional Finals, just barely missing on Worlds. With a dip in expectations, but a still fairly solid reputation, FoFo rounds out the roster nicely for the top side.


Credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Read More:

369 returns to Top Esports to replace Wayward for LPL 2024.

A Guide to League of Legends Champions: Playstyles and Roles.

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