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PSG.LGD will be playing with a substitute in the Lima Major

PSG.LGD will be playing with a substitute in the Lima Major

Dota 2
9 Feb
Harrison Htet

The Chinese region has been going through a tough time. From scripting and hacking allegations to players speaking up about receiving their due payments, it seems that one more problem has managed to slip through the cracks in China. Although this issue doesn’t seem like much, it is the most dreaded issue and many Dota 2 professional players wouldn’t even wish it upon their worst enemy — the Visa Issue.

This could be the very first (and hopefully the very last) Visa issue before the start of the Lima Major.


PSG.LGD announced on Weibo that they will be playing without their 19-year-old offlaner Li “项羽Longwu for the upcoming Major in Lima, Peru due to his Visa issues. In the same Tweet, the team also stated that they will use a sub for the tournament.

The team disclosed that Chinese Dota 2 veteran player Ren "old eLeVeN" Yangwei will be filling in the shoes of Li thus the PSG.LGD roster for the Lima Major will be as followed :

  • Guo “ shiro ” Xuanang
  • Cheng “ Nothing To Say” Jin Xiang
  •  Ren "old eLeVeN" Yangwei
  • Lin “planet” Hao
  • Zhang “ y’ ” Yiping

PSG.LGD will lose 40% of their DPC points earned from the Major for using a substitute at the tournament. It was indicated in the rules and regulations for Dota Pro Circuit set by Valve. The team however has not publically disclosed whether Valve will be giving them a free pass this time because of the team’s situation.

A Brief Summary  

Despite building a new team around their midlaner, PSG.LGD performed marvelously, topping the group in their region. Although they won against Team Aster, the team lost to the controversial Knights in their series against them. The team is considered by many as a favorite going into the Lima Major with or without a sub.


Featured Image Source: Twitter/ @PSGLGD_

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