Razor Is The Most Successful Hero of Dota 2 Patch 7.32d
Dota 2 patch 7.32d has changed the meta in significant ways and Razor is now the highest win-rate hero at the community level. Players of all MMRs pick Razor extensively and mostly win.
Right now, the win rate of Razor is nearly 56%, which suggests that the hero is very unbalanced. This is the highest win rate of any Dota 2 hero and there are more than 120 of them. And the other extreme we have Batrider, whose win rate is just 43.5%.
What Makes Razor Strong in Dota 2 Patch 7.32d
Razor’s abilities are well-known. The hero will destroy most midlaners and offlaners using a combination of Static Link and Plasma Field. When using both of these abilities correctly, Razor cannot be fought in the laning phase.
When playing against the electric beast, players have gotten used to picking heroes that can blink away or utilize some other method to break the link as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the situation goes from bad to worse and the lane is lost in a matter of minutes.

During the mid portion of the game, Storm Surge passively gives Razor +24% movement speed, which is a huge bonus for any hero that relies on dealing physical damage to its opponents. But Razor is not even a melee hero. His attack range is 475 and you can bring it up significantly by purchasing a Dragon Lance.
Razor’s default movement speed is 280, which is quite slow, but a Wind Lance will solve all your problems. After you’ve bought your boots, you’ll have a movement speed of 434, which is more than enough to stay connected to any target that cannot blink. Even a Force Staff will not do much if you’re close enough to your target.
Razor’s ultimate boosts his damage by 180/s at level 3, and lasts for 30 seconds. You can further increase it using the level 20 talent, which gives you a better strike interval: 0.4s instead of 0.5s. Buying an Aghanim’s Scepter will double the damage by making the ability hit two targets at the same time.
For players like Ammar “ATF” Al-Assaf, Razor is the best hero in the game. Watching the matches of such players from their perspective can significantly enhance your ability to play this electric menace.
Header: Dotabuff