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Team Liquid secures a top 3 finish at The Riyadh Masters 2023

Team Liquid secures a top 3 finish at The Riyadh Masters 2023

Dota 2
27 Jul
Harrison Htet

The upper bracket series between Team Liquid against Talon Esports was a crucial match for both teams. The winner of the series will advance to the upper bracket finals, securing a top-three finish at The Riyadh Masters 2023.

Going into the series Team Liquid were the heavy favourites as they finally secured another win against their arch nemesis, Gaimin Gladiators. Talon, on the other hand, were the underdogs despite taking a victory against Quest Esports, an emerging team with promising talents. Talon Esports were also the last team reaming representing South East Asia region.

Game 1 

Both teams have farming-oriented drafts in game 1. Liquid opted for long-lost hero Luna as their safelane backed by offlane Visage and a midlane Leshrac, while Talon went for a Faceless Void safelane backed by an offlane Storm Spirit. Talon Esports heavily pressured TL during the laning stage. However, as they can’t secure objectives, Liquid tried to cauterise their bleeding by playing the game in their favour, forming a dead ball while their safelane Luna farms. Talon tried halting the dead ball of Liquid to minimum success. TL’s game plan began to show dividends as the game progressed, and at  42 minutes, they took the game.

Game 2

In game 2, Team Liquid tried to draft around their midlane Leshrac with safelane Sven and offlane Timbersaw. Talon played their game plan around their safelane Terrorblade. Team Liquid began to put their plan into action as soon as the game started, heavily pressuring the lanes. A couple of slip-up skirmishes from TL combined with Terrorblade's immense farm allowed Talon to get ahead in the game and secure objectives. As the game progressed, Liquid's safelane started to fall off, and they had no answers for Terrorblade. Eventually, at 48 minutes, TL tapped out of game 2.

Game 3

Game 3 had everyone on the edge of their seat. Talon Esports dominated the early game with their Morphling draft, and their support enabled the team’s midlane, Ember Spirit, through multiple rotations. However, despite playing from behind, Liquid played methodically, dodging fights and not contesting the skirmishes they were uncomfortable with. Although Talon secures objectives, Team Liquid, with their offlane Broodmother, return the favour. As the game progressed, both teams were looking for a favourable fight to turn the tides in their favour. It all comes down to a nail-biting 59 minutes base race which went Team Liquid’s way.

Winning the series, Team Liquid secured the top-three finish at The Riyadh Masters 2023. Moreover, with an assured top-three finish, they have earned 1.7 million USD in tournament winnings. The amount rivals the winnings they got for placing third at The International 2022.

Featured Image Source: Twitter/@Zai_2002

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