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Team Secret part ways with BORKUM; NDG benched

Team Secret part ways with BORKUM; NDG benched

21 May
Ganesh Jadhav

Following a disappointing VCT Pacific Split 1 run, Team Secret has decided to part ways with Jim "BORKUM" Timbreza.

Additionally, Noel "NDG" De Guia has been moved to the reserved roster.

The decision to make changes to the roster follows a struggling start to VCT 2024.

Coming into the season, Team Secret announced the departure of lenne and DubsteP.  They brought in NDG as the fifth to fill in the gaps.

At the VCT Pacific 2024 Kickoff Team Secret exacted their revenge on Talon Esports to secure the Play-in stage. They lost to the eventual winners Gen.G, concluding their run.

After their performance in the Kickoff, the community had high expectations from Team Secret.

Come Stage 1, they fumbled, losing to DRX and RRQ. But they recovered on time to take down ZETA Division, Paper Rex and DFM to secure the Playoffs.

Unfortunately in the opening knockout game, they lost to T1 0-2, concluding yet another disappointing run for the squad.

BORKUM’s departure marks the end of the old BREN Esports core of JessieVash, DubSteP, BORKUM and Dispenser. They transitioned together to Team Secret in 2021 and shook the world after they eliminated Team Envy from VALORANT Champions 2021 group stage.

Since then, the team hasn’t had the same impact and could not keep up with the rising level of competition.

Team Secret hasn’t announced the replacement for the vacant spots. Follow Team Secret on X (formerly Twitter) for the latest updates on the VALORANT roster.

Featured Image Credits: VCT Pacific / Riot Games

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