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The best Dota 2 Supports for Grinding MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.36a

The best Dota 2 Supports for Grinding MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.36a

Dota 2
2 Jun

With all the changes introduced in Dota 2 patch 7.36, it can be hard to figure out which heroes are worth picking and which you should avoid. Is Huskar Support viable? Is Terrorblade back in the meta? Which supports are the best for grinding MMR?

While we can't answer the first two questions, there is enough data on the new patch to list the best supports for grinding MMR right now.

In this article, we will focus mostly on the changes the heroes received, which include direct buffs, along with the new Innate abilities and Facets.

The best Dota 2 Supports for Grinding MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.36a


Undying Dirgeful Overlord Undying is a jack-of-all-trades well suited to any situation. (Credit: Valve)

When a new patch drops, most matches devolve into a free-for-all brawl, as players experiment with new heroes, facets, and item builds.

Strong lane dominators such as Undying tend to shine in uncoordinated environments like that. The hero retains all his old strengths. Decay spam is incredible in the laning stage, especially in the current offlane tank meta.

A well-placed tombstone can auto-win teamfights. Zombies deal solid damage and provide a stacking slow and vision on enemies. With more melee cores being picked, Tombstone is harder than ever to destroy.

All this is common knowledge, but thanks to a useful innate ability and strong Facets, Undying is better than ever.

True to his name, death is not a big deal for Dirge. Every eight minutes, Ceaseless Dirge allows him to instantly respawn when killed.

While it requires you to die to be useful, as a support that is a common occurrence, and being able to instantly rejoin a fight is incredibly useful. Especially with the "Tombstone on Death" talent at level 20.

Both Facets are viable as well. Rotting Mitts is great for being an even bigger threat in teamfights, while Ripped adds a little extra oomph behind every Soul Rip.

The two Facets are sitting at a 53% win rate, so pick whichever suits your playstyle best. We're flip-flopping a lot between the two but Rotting Mitts is better if you're looking to snowball.

Decay spam wins lanes, while Tombstone is incredible in teamfights. Ceaseless Dirge allows you to instantly get back on the battlefield, while the two Facets provide a meaningful choice between charging into battle or focusing on healing.

With his versatile toolkit, it's no wonder Undying is one of the best supports for grinding MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.36a.


Abaddon's utility makes him a great support for grinding MMR. The new Curse is so much better than the old one. (Credit: Valve).

If you're more of a backline support who likes saving allies but doesn't want to be killed first in fights, then Abaddon is your guy.

The hero received quite a few changes in Dota 2 patch 7.36a, so let's start there.

Curse of Avernus now applies on every hit and lasts for two seconds. This is a nice change for the hero, as it was quite difficult to apply the four hits needed before.

The hero's laning stage is significantly better, as each hit deals an extra 20 damage while applying a movement and attack speed slow.

Font of Avernus is..... fine I guess. Like Undying, it requires you to die to be useful, an awkward mechanic when you think of it.

Unlike Undying, a 10% reduction on all respawns doesn't feel as impactful as instantly returning every eight minutes. Still, not every Innate ability has to be amazing and this one might get buffed or revamped in future updates.

Abaddon's two Facets are quite different, with one focusing on improving his shield, while another improves cooldowns for all spells.

Mephitic Shroud buffs Aphotic Shield, increasing the damage absorbed from 210 to 290. The shield reflects 75% of damage received instantly, instead of when the shield breaks.

The Quickening reduces spell cooldowns by 0.2 for each creep and 4 seconds for heroes. It doesn't matter if the dying unit is an enemy or ally, and it doesn't work for items.

Despite adding an extra two seconds to Aphotic Shield's cooldown, Mephitic Shroud has the higher win rate in this patch, with a 55% success rate. The Quickening is still a solid choice, winning 53% of the time. So pick which you prefer here.

Thanks to his improved laning ability, strong dispel for allies, and nigh invulnerability in teamfights Abaddon is an easy support to pick up and a great choice for grinding MMR.

Shadow Shaman

Shadow Shaman is one of the best disabling supports for grinding MMR. Shadow Shaman is the best hero to pick when you wanna annoy the enemy. (Credit: Valve).

While the previous two supports focused on healing and helping allies (sort of in Undying's case), Shadow Shaman is all about controlling and hurting his enemies.

The hero didn't receive any changes in 7.36, just his Innate ability and Facets but boy are they great.

Fowl Play is incredible, it renders the hero functionally immune to dying from long-range abilities such as Thundergod's Wrath, Powershot, and almost all damage over time spells.

Shadow Shaman can be killed, but Fowl Play will likely prevent at least 25% of deaths in a game. Of all the death Innate abilities in the article, this one is the best. Fowl Play prevents death and keeps Shaman near battle where he might turn the tides of an engagement.

As for the hero's Facets, Cluster Cluck provides enormous amounts of utility. You can use it on allies to cancel powerful enemy spells, such as Fiend's Grip or Flaming Lasso.

Cluck Cluck also improves Fowl Play even more! Synergy, yay!

The hero himself keeps his old strengths. He is great at holding down enemies and pushing towers, while Ether Shock is a solid farming tool and nuke.

Those are our picks for the best supports at grinding MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.36a. Try one of them and tell us your experience.

Unless you lost, in which case blame your teammates!

READ MORE: Collapse Reveals the Best DotA 2 Offlane Heroes of Patch 7.36a!

Featured Image Source: Valve

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